Game Messages

Do you think in puting messages ingame like " {Player Nick Here} is on a 5 kills killstreak " (I dont know if this setence is right) or dont need things like this ?

and puting things like “Dangerous level” on players ?


I don’t think there’s any priority nor need for that, it’ll just make the game more arcadey, and simplistic. We want a good game with space battles not UT with space ships :stuck_out_tongue:

hmmm… maybe not the killstreaks messages, but, and the dangerous level, like, little symbols with different colors (normal , silver, gold, Like "APB Reloaded)

hmmm… maybe not the killstreaks messages, but, and the dangerous level, like, little symbols with different colors (normal , silver, gold, Like "APB Reloaded)

Maybe a better idea would be to create a overall player statistic which you can view from the hanger so you can look up every player.

just remember the name of the player with the highest tier ship. he’ll usually get more kills than the rest.