Game is broken

Hello all.


Today, out of the blue, the game started glitching. You can’t do anything now. No MM, no changing ship, no implants, no open space, no queue no nothing.


Here’s how it started with me: I was in open space, I was trying to jump to another sector, but it never worked. I tried several times. In the end I decided to safe logout, it instead took me to the garage. I closed the game, relogged, nothing changed. Now I see everyone in the chat saying the same.


What’s wrong? I thought it’s only me, but it’s everyone in the game.

Hello all.


Today, out of the blue, the game started glitching. You can’t do anything now. No MM, no changing ship, no implants, no open space, no queue no nothing.


Here’s how it started with me: I was in open space, I was trying to jump to another sector, but it never worked. I tried several times. In the end I decided to safe logout, it instead took me to the garage. I closed the game, relogged, nothing changed. Now I see everyone in the chat saying the same.


What’s wrong? I thought it’s only me, but it’s everyone in the game.

Sounds like server problems but i dont have such issues. Did you updated you client today?

Sounds like server problems but i dont have such issues. Did you updated you client today?

I received an update. Do you use Steam? Someone in the game doesn’t have problems, and he said he’s using Steam too. Maybe it’s you lol. His name is Woo.


How to report bugs:


Topic title:

  • (Good: Game crashes when using module “Plasma Arc”. Bad: bug please fix.)

Topic content:

  1. Describe the bug in a few words/sentences.
  2. Why do you think this is a bug.
  3. How often does this bug occur.
  4. What was your last action/How to reproduce the bug.
  5. Detailed explanation of the bug.(Only if you need to add more information to 1.)
  6. Your system specs + Operating system as DX Diag.
  7. Videos + Screenshots (Only if needed, but in most cases they are helpful)
  8. ( Please only add the Logs and Exceptions of the game session where the bug occured, not all! )





Well there’s a lot of people that are having this, and this is all I can say about how this happened. Some say maybe it’s the EU server. 

Without the logs, there is nothing they can do, to determine and fix the problem.

Well I don’t have a folder for exceptions in my star conflict folder in my documents. But I have the log.

[2015.09.11](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=9783)

Alright the game is better now, I can change ships lol. Can be closed.