Game Development Plan

Please bear in mind that this information can be changed or corrected. This document only reflects changes which are most important and necessary to be shown. At the the same time we fix the bugs, make small improvements, edit the combat and economic balance. The development and critical assestment of the features are also being performed. In spite of the fact that innovations are specified in an expected order of appearance in game, sequence of updates releases can be changed. The part of innovations also mentions the game’s site.

Introduction of the third faction – Jericho

Jericho’s ships will be available. Factions Raid and Techs will offer you their contracts, spaceship modifications and weapons.


Pilots whose actions during battles bring benefit to the whole team will be specially rewarded.

Individual and general statistics

Information about victories and defeats, total caused damage, accuracy, fire rate etc. Detailed and specified leaderboards.


Players will be able to work on receiving various achievements, and of course learn about obtaining them.

Updated player’s skills tree

Skill tree will be completely reworked and divided into sections of ships, weapons, modules. In each section there will be individual subsections.

Game modes

We plan to introduce new game modes as well as rework the old ones every quarter of a year.

Update of the Interface

Added detailed descriptions and characteristics of all game objects, ships, weapons etc.

Update of tutorial mode

Tutorial mode is being redesigned according to players’ feedback.

Reworking old maps and adding new ones

New maps will be included in all big updates. The old ones will be adapted with new features.

Dangerous space – location filled with anomalies and clouds of a space dust that will blind guidance system, influence on the control or even damage the hull.

Interface Update

Optional key bindings for keyboards and joysticks will be available.

PvE modes

Special modes that let the a single player or a squad to accept quests and fight with the AI opponent.

Communication and squad organization

All neccessary team play interface will be added to simplify creation of a squad, joining and leaving it, talking to squadmates. Functional friend lists will also be added.

Update of Chat

Chat will have separate channels for player to send their messages to: “Battle”, “General”, “Team”. It will also be possible to send tickets to GM and indicate reasons.

Update of HUD

Expansion of possibilities for all sorts of combat interaction and targeting.

Full information about the enemy.

Navigation, orientation and different types of a radars will be updated.

Tier 5 spaceships will be added

Т5 ships, weapons, corresponding ranks and contracts will be available for all factions.

Update of skill tree

Separate branches for different ships will be added along with more clarification on advantages of leveling and obtaining new ranks.

More options in choosing game modes

Game modes interface will become more convenient.

Clan wars

Players will be able to form clans and join them to build particularly massive player-controlled clan dreadnoughts with corresponding specially designed game modes. It will also be possible to cooperate with clans not joining them but still fighting for them on a temporary basis.

Galaxy Wars

Specific game mode where the global statisctics are compiled to represent performance of all three factions. Players’ contribution to the faction’s struggle for domination will directly influence the balance of the force in the Galaxy.

Thanks for the update.

It is good to know what is planned by the devs.

What i am missing is a timeline or any sort of information about character wipes.

We know what you have in store for us but it could be a plan for the next 5 years or just the general vision for the game. It seems so vague.

I know that delivering promised milestone-patches on time can be hard but there must be some rough development timeline you guys have in mind!

The problem about an exact timeline is that there is the chance that there are some difficuties or some changes in the priority of different things so this could just change the whole timeline.

Is there any hope of a rough date for the Jericho to be added even if it turns out to be way off i would like a to know.

maybe you guys in the future, added bigger ship class. I really really want bigger ships (destroyer,cruiser etc.) in normal battle

this gives me so much hope!

im realy glad that gaijin takes the players seriously unlike most companys

this game can be such a wonderfull thing with the correct tweaking here and there

hell i think il actualy work on my account for the upcoming changes so i wont be to far behind everyone

thanks for this!:smiley:

The problem about an exact timeline is that there is the chance that there are some difficuties or some changes in the priority of different things so this could just change the whole timeline.

And this is a valid reason to not publish an entire timeline…but at least consider dropping a crumb or two. If you can’t make a decent estimate of how long to release your first item, then you hardly qualify as a professional. (Not a personal dig, just a general statement here) I know -I- can’t refuse to offer estimates at work just because things might change…nor could I do so when I was a game developer. Development is development, not matter what industry.

So man up, take a chance, and earn some brownie points with your players.

And this is a valid reason to not publish an entire timeline…but at least consider dropping a crumb or two. If you can’t make a decent estimate of how long to release your first item, then you hardly qualify as a professional. (Not a personal dig, just a general statement here) I know -I- can’t refuse to offer estimates at work just because things might change…nor could I do so when I was a game developer. Development is development, not matter what industry.

So man up, take a chance, and earn some brownie points with your players.

What games did you develop?

What games did you develop?

Worked on GemStone III and IV for a number of years, and helped build HeroEngine when Simutronics decided to go graphic. The only relevance is to offer a hint that I -do- have some understanding of how game development (and player interaction) does work. Simutronics had a reputation for not wanting to offer dates either, although that attitude was undergoing significant changes in the last few years I worked there.

Being honest about dates, and meeting them for the most part, makes it pretty easy for your players to be understanding when something -does- call for a change or delay. Not to say that all of them will be reasonable, but they’re not all going to be reasonable either way…so you might as well take what positive reactions you can by sharing your plans. Keeping things secret isn’t going to make anyone happy, it just avoids some minor unpleasantness…or more accurately, moves that unpleasantness into a different area (claims of “You never tell us anything” spring to mind).

Star Conflict has a lot of potential…but keeping your fans interested and supportive is at least as important as anything you could code.

Yeah, sounds nice to me.

Especially implementing Joysticks for more confortable control of the ships and the PvE mode. From time to time I like to play a bit solo to calm down. PvP-only games like WoT are not really for relaxing.

Game modes

We plan to introduce new game modes as well as rework the old ones every quarter of a year.

For when this update will be Game Mode?

So far we only have a single PvP Figh t …

It will be at least until December 21, 2012?

For when this update will be Game Mode?

So far we only have a single PvP Figh t …

It will be at least until December 21, 2012?

A little bit patience :wink:

I am sure it will follow soon but I cant give you any date at the moment.

Thanks for the plan…