Game almost always crashes when trying to quit

Title says it all. Doesn’t matter how I quit the game, a process stays loaded using somwhere over 400Mb of RAM.


Steam thinks I’ve played this game for over 40 hours this week, in truth, it’s closer to 16. It’s all because the Star Conflict crashes, but doesn’t terminate.


kill is never enough to deal with this runaway processes, kill -9 is always needed.


The game correctly terminates about 1/10 times. On a good day.

You could kill the process on task manager?

You could kill the process on task manager?

It’s a hassle when you want to play another game after playing Star Conflict earlier in the day, or when you don’t shut down your computer every night. Both of which I’ve done. Now, I mean, Star Conflict usually does close cleanly for me, but it definitely crashes on close plenty as well. It’s just a good housekeeping thing to do, y’know, make your game not crash when you want to stop playing.

Still present on

Yes–I have to force-kill the game about 60% of the time. Steam will not close until Star Conflict does.