I did “Galactic tour, phase” but got nothing.no ship, no pictures of avatars …I’m over 41/41.I have to complete “phase 2” to get stuff from “phase1”
You need to buy part one / two in the store, then you will unlock the Deluxe rewards.
If you are a Steam user, purchase a Pass from the [DLC store] page in the [manage my DLC] tab.
Laucher Gijjang users better to buy a pass from the official site.
for 35Euro? ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)
if you done phases with xeno-chips, you must get all free rewards ! some avatars and paints ( at the bottom right in your hangar) and 2 free Emperor’s parts ( clic on “build it” ans see you parts) in each phase, so 4, enough to build the destroyer, and no more if you don’t buy pass.
On 8/4/2021 at 1:23 AM, PiotrPit said:
I did “Galactic tour, phase” but got nothing.no ship, no pictures of avatars …I’m over 41/41.I have to complete “phase 2” to get stuff from “phase1”
I assume you are referring to the free/vs pass required rewards. It’s pretty self explanatory:
If you want to receive the rewards for stages marked “Pass required” it is required to have a pass. Stage one and stage two have different passes.
If you want just to receive free rewards (each 5th) you don’t need to purchase anything. If you want to build an Emperor ship, you need 4 parts that are available in those free reward stages (there are total of 6 parts available in this event, 2 of them are in “Pass required” stages) - basically you need to finish stage 40 in each seasons.
There are two version of passes - normal and deluxe. The difference between them is:
Normal Pass - completes one additional stage, gives 7 days of premium license
Deluxe Pass - completes 15 additional stages, gives 30 days of premium license
Normal pass for stage one is available here:
Normal pass for stage two is available here:
The moment you purchase the pass all previously locked rewards are immediately given to you, so have enough space for seed chips (they are delivered by mail). If you are past the free premium ship reward - it will start 24h countdown on that offer right then.
Hope it helps.
ok thx ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)