G Thar Du

Despite this thread [https://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/34971-gthardu-nerfed-to-the-groundother-dessy-weapons/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/34971-gthardu-nerfed-to-the-groundother-dessy-weapons/), and to which I’ve already posted, never realized the G Thar Du went down to 30 shots per min. In all honesty I thought the OP had the 40 rounds per min that went down to 34. This is insane, why dont we make it fire 1 shot per 10 sec or better still completely remove it and let all those that invested both time and money to get it moan…


Like how Tai’al can be fired twice before it overheats.




1, 2.


Thats it.



It is instantly out-DPS’d by scatter gun and you can fire scatter gun nearly endlessly if you click right. Tai’al is just an 80 mono joke.

7 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Like how Tai’al can be fired twice before it overheats.




1, 2.


Thats it.



It is instantly out-DPS’d by scatter gun and you can fire scatter gun nearly endlessly if you click right. Tai’al is just an 80 mono joke.

Hmm…so Thai al isnt good ?

Leveling the Tai Kin atm and wanted to build it, in fact was about to but then I saw the monos werent enough so I left it for later. Now I see ur post and wonder…

14 minutes ago, ComWittman said:

Hmm…so Thai al isnt good ?

Leveling the Tai Kin atm and wanted to build it, in fact was about to but then I saw the monos werent enough so I left it for later. Now I see ur post and wonder…

Tai’al does half the damage of scatter gun, overheats instantly, misses a ton, costs WAY TOO MUCH MONO, and is an overall disappointment. Looks cool though.

The latest nerf on G’thar’Du was overkill imo. Lowering the base to 30 shots a min is far too punishing for a weapon with such a slow projectile (base that is). I’m not sure if the Devs realise, but the G’Thar’Du is so popular because it is so easy to make. You don’t need any bulls**t components with a 1% drop chance from a cache that can only be opened with a currency that you get a limited amount per day and formerly before the nerf hell you didn’t need too specific of a build to run it.


Do the devs not listen to common sense anymore…

It nailed you to one place, denied vision and other stuff from its effect, dealt damage the usual way + the black hole damage making it an ultra annoying, everyone can have it and spam it, weapon. It was literally a matter of time before a nerf happened. It would have been better if this weapon never existed in the game, it’s dull/boring, no excitement of any kind and you barely had to do anything to make it wreck the place, lazy mans go-to weapon basically.

5 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

It nailed you to one place, denied vision and other stuff from its effect, dealt damage the usual way + the black hole damage making it an ultra annoying, everyone can have it and spam it, weapon. It was literally a matter of time before a nerf happened. It would have been better if this weapon never existed in the game, it’s dull/boring, no excitement of any kind and you barely had to do anything to make it wreck the place, lazy mans go-to weapon basically.

What you’re saying does not justify the nerf. If the gun got so many “annoying” features then WHY it was introduced in the game in the 1st place. Plus, I can name you a load of annoying gear but I’ll just mention one, the ECM. I havent seen any nerf on its “special” or “unique” ability and dont tell me about implants/items on cpu that reduce “controlling effects” because yes they help but do not eliminate. Not sure whether implants/cpu may reduce G Thar’s effects, but its one thing shooting with it and at the same time being shot by it and complete loss of cotrol from an ECM is another.

I’ve asked many times whether the game is beta and was told not, all these “adjustments” especially when are applied on items used broadly do not fit in a game that passed beta stage, cause frustration to the players and overall in the long run do not serve the game. Frustration leads to disappointment and boredom, and its pretty obvious what these 2 do.

Implementing something, then when used a ninja nerf burries it isnt the way. Introduction of a different weapon, since we are talking weapons, might be better for the players and surely for the game it self would mean more earnings. Destroying an item after it had generated an X profit is just bad policy.

As for " it’s dull/boring, no excitement of any kind and you barely had to do anything to make it wreck the place, lazy mans go-to weapon basically", it is simply your personal assestment/opinion. Don’t use it since you dont like, call lazy the one that uses it. Again that would be how you see thing and doesnt mean everyone or anyone for that matter has to or will to agree with that.

I’m not entirely sure a nerf was actually needed considering that missile slot for destroyers was nerfed.


Check it out: Do a custom match vs another destroyer with same build; one use G’Thar’Du and the other test weapons. Pretty sure that G’Thar’Du will lose against all the weapons. I know it will vs Halo cause that was the test I did.

Now, the reason I said this is that keeping the barriers up, if using barriers, and being shot at, that’s not, normally, going to work out too well. Barriers get dropped fast and the cooldown is too long.

2 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

I’m not entirely sure a nerf was actually needed considering that missile slot for destroyers was nerfed.


Check it out: Do a custom match vs another destroyer with same build; one use G’Thar’Du and the other test weapons. Pretty sure that G’Thar’Du will lose against all the weapons. I know it will vs Halo cause that was the test I did.

Now, the reason I said this is that keeping the barriers up, if using barriers, and being shot at, that’s not, normally, going to work out too well. Barriers get dropped fast and the cooldown is too long.

Will try that although I dont disagree the G thar will lose vs halo…As for the barriers, at some range [not close] they may block thermal from Meson or similar type. I ve never seen them blocking coil mortar among others. At this point though they are even weaker than before, and they have never been [at least in my time] better or even same as the engineer static. Among other issues, these add up to the whole spectrum of negativities of the destroyer class.

17 minutes ago, ComWittman said:

Will try that although I dont disagree the G thar will lose vs halo…As for the barriers, at some range [not close] they may block thermal from Meson or similar type. I ve never seen them blocking coil mortar among others. At this point though they are even weaker than before, and they have never been [at least in my time] better or even same as the engineer static. Among other issues, these add up to the whole spectrum of negativities of the destroyer class.

How does it feel that you pay an arm and a leg for one weapon, only to get it nerfed a month later?

All im saying is that, personally, the whole idea behind gtardu was a mistake on too many points and its over-usage lead to over-nerfs. I saw it coming from a mile away when every single destro used it, i’m sorry that others didnt and bought it for GS. You need to make peace with the fact that games always change and the things you bought now may be powerful but it wont stay like that forever. There is always the forum to ask for directions in what to invest IF you want to spend money to make the grind easier.

3 hours ago, Koromac said:

How does it feel that you pay an arm and a leg for one weapon, only to get it nerfed a month later?


it upsets me, no other way to put it !


1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

All im saying is that, personally, the whole idea behind gtardu was a mistake on too many points and its over-usage lead to over-nerfs. I saw it coming from a mile away when every single destro used it, i’m sorry that others didnt and bought it for GS. You need to make peace with the fact that games always change and the things you bought now may be powerful but it wont stay like that forever. There is always the forum to ask for directions in what to invest IF you want to spend money to make the grind easier.

And all I’m saying is that the particular policy, the so called ninja nerfs isnt helping the game nor has helped any game for 1 simple reason : frustrating a serious amount of players results in only 1 thing and 1 thing only. We both know what that is regardless whether we want to admit it or not. Games with huges player base when repeatively followed this policy saw their numbers going down, this game which is already way underpopulated should handle such issues with even more care than the extremely high populated ones. Despite some that already expressed their dislike for the G Thar nerf here at the forum, the real dislike isnt obvious. There are so few forum participants, a handful in fact, number that doesnt represent the real picture. With all the players I’ve spoken with in game had the same opinion. A needless nerf,  the gun is nearly obsolete and a lot of frustration and for the gun and for the fact that the players are being ignored, with 1 or the other way. You mentioned a lot were upset because of it, 1st off I havent experienced that and 2nd its only your word backing this. I dont see why I should take it for a fact, but of course some may have been upset, if they havent had it.

G’Thar’Du nerf is a good thing!

6 hours ago, Koromac said:

How does it feel that you pay an arm and a leg for one weapon, only to get it nerfed a month later?

Gthardu is dirt cheap comparing to other guns.

On ‎10‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 2:47 AM, xKostyan said:

Gthardu is dirt cheap comparing to other guns.

lol like which one exactly, and we are talking main weapon and not some module like gravity or photon.

Edit: 10/10 wasnt expecting a reply anyway !

Gthardu canon is now completely useless weapons. i can barely hit interceptor or fighter with pure luck. But when i some obstackle nearby like walls or debris it will hit it even from 300m distance. thanks for making nuisance for everything. Complaining because you get killed by it only shows how much you lack inteligence how to counter. I hope you enojy that ruining everything in  this game

54 minutes ago, Sharkonus said:

Gthardu canon is now completely useless weapons. i can barely hit interceptor or fighter with pure luck. But when i some obstackle nearby like walls or debris it will hit it even from 300m distance. thanks for making nuisance for everything. Complaining because you get killed by it only shows how much you lack inteligence how to counter. I hope you enojy that ruining everything in  this game

Actually it is as effective as it was. Also on Sirius it’s projectile can fly 3700m/s, much faster than Halo. But - yes - I still prefer Coil gun or Meson over this…

Gthardu is still a nice weapon but people cant get over it that they cant abuse its mechanics anymore. Like with all weapons, you have to build around it to boost its effectiveness.

i use  this weapon on my tyrant and even with all boosts for speed projectile is still more or less effective. you can evade with such ease. i have 100% hit chance from 300m - 1500m. Longer  distances are for tiny ship barely hit. and also rate of fire is too low. it overheats so fast. max 5 shots and gun is overheated. with halo you can shoot 12 seconds. do you see how much you nerfed that gun? its not worth to build anymore. just get over it and just say, ok he has this weapon i must do this etc. instead of complaining. i hope you understand what i mean.
Any weapon can be countered, just as like as countering any ship. you must be smart enough, thats all. But i see that complining is more useful than use brain.