Fun & crazy ideas (stuff to try in-game)

So basically I thought it would be interesting to see what kind of crazy challenges people can come up with while in game like go into a battle with 0 mods, no ammo, no missiles and default weapon. Ofc I advise only do this in a custom match so you don’t ruin your teams day but I think you get the gist.


I am looking for more ideas and stuff that would be funny to see on youtube and I am doing this simply because enjoying PvP the way it is, well, is not so great anymore.


  • win a pve battle with ecm no mods in less than 5 min
  • get a group going and have 3 of them leave the battle and complete pve battle with no mods in less than 10 minutes by yourself
  • Wait until the cruiser is 90% of the way before shooting it and see if you can still win the battle
  • fly in a straight line from the very start. No turning around and win the battle. (I have done this in defense contract with destro)
  • etc…

Keep in mind this is a fun challenge but you can add interesting more serious ones too. No prizes unless someone wants to sponsor this and throw some out there. The more the merrier! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)



Win a tournament fight against 8 tharga/taikin team in normal ships without energy converter and/or crystal plates?

4 minutes ago, Rob40468 said:

Win a tournament fight against 8 tharga/taikin team in normal ships without energy converter and/or crystal plates?


1 hour ago, Rob40468 said:

Win a tournament fight against 8 tharga/taikin team in normal ships without energy converter and/or crystal plates?

Well, its like that in every tournament now so