Frigates nerfed too hard powerwise

The new energy requirements for frigates in snipermode are way too steep. In my T1 frigate i can only manage to fire 3-4shots before i need to wait for recharge with Economy lasers mind you. The damage has been increased slightly, but no way near enough to make up for the steep increase in energy requirement.

This should be looked upon.

Frigate do a double of damage now. Before the update my frig hit 1500 per shot. now he hit 2686. very nice hu?

With advanced frigate, you will have more energy and energy mods.

I use a hidra2 (t2 frigate) with economical lase+ shield generator on and my energy no end( stay betwen 20-40%). But i shot wisely.

Well, i haven’t gotten T2 frig yet so i can’t compare that. As i said, my problem lies with the T1 frig, maybe it’s just the T1 that’s become unbalanced…

frigs are MORE then fine…

u cant expect to dish double damage AND keep power consumption can you?

also lasers are obselete later on… t2 and up is all about stabilized rail guns which realy HURT…

frigs are MORE then fine…

u cant expect to dish double damage AND keep power consumption can you?

also lasers are obselete later on… t2 and up is all about stabilized rail guns which realy HURT…

Looking forward to it then!

frigs are MORE then fine…

u cant expect to dish double damage AND keep power consumption can you?

also lasers are obselete later on… t2 and up is all about stabilized rail guns which realy HURT…

Especially the tier III stabilized railguns… i get two shotted in my interceptor… with shield and all…