frigates and lasers

Its all I see.

Everwhere, hitscan, instakilling laser frigates. They don’t even have to move, and when i get on top of one i overheat my plasma getting through half its sheild. 


Are there any counters to this BS? i was thinking of leveling up a legion inty for its MWD, tanking thermal, and packing as much close in DPS as i can as well as self destruct.


Although it seems like alot of work to counter people think they’re playing point, click and win flash game.

on lower tier, no, except use jericho fighter which can change resistance as build in skill


higher tier you gonna got several mods slots which you can install resistant for a kind of damage (laser = thermal, railgun = kinetic, plasma = ion)

One frigate cant kill you that easy.

They are more.


If you let 3-4 frigates work together without annoying them, yes, you are dead.

But remember that frigates dont take beacons. :smiley:

using enviroment like rock and platform to cover yourself while get close at em is also good move, just rush straight to em from afar indeed suicide…


or… which faction we have fighter can cloak?

that would be federation…but an attack ship of the empire using the overdrive will work too

i have started a topic about this on russian forums a team member of the dev council and i are talking about the issue of both the frigate being out of its element (Ie not really fiting into the role of a sort of cap ship, a cover ship, or a support ship) as well as the damage changes to all various weapons, These are the changes being talked about


Mass of ship change


Interceptor (From 50 to 75mt) A slight nerf in speed mobility

Attack ship (From 350 mt, to 150 mt) Faster and mobile mobile now.

Frigate (From 4000mt, to 350 mt) Faster and mobile mobile now.


this was done to put the frigate into the element of the game to make it more face pace, and to encourage frigates to do things other then sniping.



The damage changes are as follows




Damage increased from 100 to 150

Rapid fire
Damage increased from 70 to 125

Rate if fire increased from 66rps to 80 rps
Charge speed increased from 3150 to 3450

Heavy weapon
Damage reduced from 354 to 280
Spread reduced from 1.36 deg, to 1.15





Increase Rate of fire from 60 rps, to 90 rps
Reduce damage from 0 to 150

Rapid Fire
Increase damage from 92 to 130
lower rate of fire from 240 to 190
reduce spread from 2.2 to 1.6

Long Range
damage increased from 170 to 205
change to beam, from pulse effect

Damage reduced from 373 to 265
rate of fire increased from 60 / m to 90/m
range decreased from 4000 to 3600



Damage increased from 111 to 135
rate of fire increased from 150 to 195

Rapid Fire
Damage reduced from 209 to 85
rate of fire increased from 75 to 365

increase Rate of fire from 0.45 to 0.65

Damage reduced from 587 to 310
range increased from 3500 to 4200
spread reduced from 0.91 to 0.70



Weapon Concepts


Plasma > Rails > Beams
Rails > Beams > Plasma
Rate of Fire
Plasma > Rails > Beams
Beams > Plasma > Rails

I dont think a rebalance like you suggested for the ships mobitlty is needed. You whant to make frigs as fast as an attack ship is right now, but nerv the inters. You can already change your mobilty with the skills and also with collisoin compenser. 1 Compenser makes my inty fly like he is on dope. Even frigs get quite fast with that.




Your weapon balance is a good idea but id rather stick to this idea. Most of it is, or was ingame.



Plasma > Rail > Laser



Laser > Rail > Plasma



Plasma > Rail > Laser



Laser > Rail > Plasma


Btw what kind of weapons you used for that? There is a mix of T3mk1 and mk2. Id rather take the same quality for a comparsion.

I feel that Rails are more suited to be longer/longest range weapons then lasers.


  This gives plasma a place as a projectile weapon, beams as a non-projectile, as a constant - Dps weapon.

And leaves rails as a alpha strike weapon (High impact damage, lower rate of fire).


In general the heavy weapons need a nerf, and the assaults, rapids need a buff.


At the moment, for example, my plasma assaults do 300-400. This is where most of the weapons should be at. t he exception to this is heavy weapons which should be mid range (Max 4.5km) Which hit for 500-650. This will put common criits around 750 dmg, and heavy weapon crits around 1k dmg. Long range weapons should fall between rapid/assaults at 400-550 damage and 800-900 crits.

Had a crack at laser frig, my scores went up massively. No points from caps, but who need that when you can pull 60 or 100 points from every enemy ship that dies.


Anyway, it was pretty boring. When balancing these weapons, I think lead time should be accounted for.



Plasma > Rail > Laser



Laser > Rail > Plasma



Plasma > Rail > Laser



Laser > Rail > Plasma


This seems logical, but its fails to consider the ease of applying damage with lasers, even to the fastest of targets. Yes, heavy lasers have a tracking penalty, but so do other heavy weapons. Also, the only thing i failed to track was a really fast inty that got in under 1500m. (it was promptly destroyed by the 3 other frigs scattered about the rear of our lines, lol)


I’m still new (just hit t2) and this is not an “IM MADZ SO I’M LEAVIN’” thead. I’m just pointing out something that i don’t think has been mentioned, and might scare off new players.

There is a break down of the problems of each weapon (as i see it)





Weapon is all around Good, (Later it might com out that assaults need another 25-50 points of damage)

Rapid fire
Damage needs to be increased.


Rate of fire needs an increased. Possibly increased the travel speed on charges

Heavy weapon
Damage needs to be greatly reduced.

Spread needs to be slightly more accurate



For beams in general, i feel that making them tick faster, but deal less is the way to balance them.

This will remove the 3 second kills, but still make them deadly. because of this, a lot of the beam suggestions i made

have lower damage but high tick rates.



Increase rate of fire.

Decrease damage.

Pulse Lasers
Increase damage slightly

reduce spread slightly

Long Range

Damage increased slightly

Now a beam effect like heavy, assault etc.

Similar cooling time to heavy beams


Damage greatly reduced

Rate of fire increased (to 90s/m)

Range reduced to 4000 optimal



in general, rails guys need a slight damage or rate of fire increase, and a spread reduction.

The principle of shooting faster, makes projeciles of railguns less accurate may need to be evaluated. it may be better to have them have rapid drop off accuracy while traveling rather then being shot.


Damage increased

Rate of fire increased

Rapid Fire

Damage reduced greatly (to 85)

Rate of fire increased greatly (to 365 shots/m)


note this was done to make the rapid fire rail gun competitive with other weapons

making it the highest dps weapon in the game (not impact but dps). The weapon 

will do little damage, but shoot extremely fast. if a normal weapon is around 300-500 dmg a hit,

then rapid fire guns will be around 100-150.



Slightly increased rate of fire

Damage greatly reduced

Spread reduced (more accurate)