Frigate is now pretty much uesless..

so, with the -1000m range nerf to Propulsion Inhibitor…what’s the use of support frigate besides shield generator and direct repair? especially as tier goes higher, weapon damage and efficiency of support module is not growing in the same rate. in Tier 3, frigate are no more than target practices for fighters and interceptors.


they are already weak enough on the last version, in order to use Propulsion Inhibitor to support your team mate, you have to move yourself very close to the front line, which is a deadly job for a frigate, once you are in, you cannot retreat. now with the nerf, you pretty much sitting right next to enemy so it would actually do something. and i assume everyone knows frigate can do **** once enemy start flying around your ship. (any fighter can easily dance a round a frigate at the range of like 500m…)


as for the people who complain about frigates are over powered. you say you shoot at it and it doesnt look hurt. is that frigate have buff from command module which increase resistance to all type of damage? does that frigate have its own active module which increase shield resistance? does it have EM barrier or thermal barriers? does it have shield generator buff from itself and his teammates? frigates are easy targets for attackers, even interceptors in tier 3s and up. frigates are VERY vulnerable to electronic warfare, use them.


frigate is a ship which provides support and cover for their fighters, now is completely the other way around


i saw many scenario goes like this. a friendly interceptor runs toward a frigate to get some cover because he is being shot at, then the enemy destroy the frigate in 5-10 seconds (T3,T4 attacker can easily do that…)



buff the frigates, not nerf them.

the sizes of the ship is to large. The ships should something like


interceptor (Currently 50mt)

(Should be) 75mt


Attackship (currently 350mt)

(Should be) 150mt


Frigate (currently 4000mt)

(should be) 350mt



this will help improve the fast-pace combat concepts of the game.

until they make these c hanges, or maket he frigate ubar tanked, the ship is useless.

In fact and in general interceptor is best (even though i like attackships tank)

Hi, my ingame pilot is Tyreel:

I think it is a team task:The Frigates must be a support for Fighters and specially for Interceptors by attracting enemy fire on themselves; as well frigates must be mainly dedicated to destruct stronger enemies while the rest of vessels are dedicated to kill enemies who are shooting to allied frigates and reach the real objective of the game, on each gametype. By doing that you can conquer the territory step by step, stone by stone. So… I think that frigates are the game strategy basics of Star-Conflict  :wink:

I think frigate skills are well balanced, because a frigate with stronger skills could be almost undestructible
Lanx and Uhmari, if you play against a good teamwork, try to attack a frigate with a weak interceptor :smiley:


so, with the -1000m range nerf to Propulsion Inhibitor…what’s the use of support frigate besides shield generator and direct repair? especially as tier goes higher, weapon damage and efficiency of support module is not growing in the same rate. in Tier 3, frigate are no more than target practices for fighters and interceptors.


they are already weak enough on the last version, i n order to use Propulsion Inhibitor to support your team mate, you have to move yourself very close to the front line, which is a deadly job for a frigate, once you are in, you cannot retreat. now with the nerf, you pretty much sitting right next to enemy so it would actually do something. and i assume everyone knows frigate can do **** once enemy start flying around your ship. (any fighter can easily dance a round a frigate at the range of like 500m…)


Well, perhaps you dont use this mod properly.

For me, this propulsion inhibitor is perfect how it is now.


I use a pulsar with it, and I hope the ennemies will come come near enough to be blocked by my propulsor inhibitor. Then my mate can aim easily while the opponent take damage from my pulsar.

A slowed enemy is a dead enemy. But the only us of this mode is to protect YOU and allow your mates to defend to better.


That’s the way I understand this mod.

Hi, my ingame pilot is Tyreel:

I think it is a team task:The Frigates must be a support for Fighters and specially for Interceptors by attracting enemy fire on themselves; as well frigates must be mainly dedicated to destruct stronger enemies while the rest of vessels are dedicated to kill enemies who are shooting to allied frigates and reach the real objective of the game, on each gametype. By doing that you can conquer the territory step by step, stone by stone. So… I think that frigates are the game strategy basics of Star-Conflict  :wink:

I think frigate skills are well balanced, because a frigate with stronger skills could be almost undestructible

Lanx and Uhmari, if you play against a good teamwork, try to attack a frigate with a weak interceptor :smiley:




Well, perhaps you dont use this mod properly.

For me, this propulsion inhibitor is perfect how it is now.


I use a pulsar with it, and I hope the ennemies will come come near enough to be blocked by my propulsor inhibitor. Then my mate can aim easily while the opponent take damage from my pulsar.

A slowed enemy is a dead enemy. But the only us of this mode is to protect YOU and allow your mates to defend to better.


That’s the way I understand this mod.

i bet u wont say this when your T3+ frigate got 4 shoted by a T4 attacker with heavy rails at like 4K (this is even worse with heavy plasma…)…i have put all my module towards shield regen…if i just give it more shield capacity, ok, not 4 shoted, but 6 shoted, but does that make a difference?


in T2+, a proper equiped attacker can easily tank your teammate’s firepower and take you out, and they dont even need to enter your propulsion inhibitor range to do that (assault plasma cannon can do that…and lets not mention there are plenty of fighter arm with heavy plasma/rails) in T3 and up? all the electronic warfares…you don’t even have the chance to shoot it back…

if i just give it more shield capacity, ok, not 4 shoted, but 6 shoted, but does that make a difference?


Perhaps that’s why today I tried to kill your T3 frigate with my T2 interceptor … your regeneration was so high that I couldn’t kill you ^^

Then perhaps that’s why T2 should only play against T2, and T3 against T3 …

Perhaps that’s why today I tried to kill your T3 frigate with my T2 interceptor … your regeneration was so high that I couldn’t kill you ^^

Then perhaps that’s why T2 should only play against T2, and T3 against T3 …

i am not sure what module you have, but you didnt have electronic warfares, otherwise i will be dead long time ago…



a T3+ attacker takes my frigate out in about 6-8 shots with heavy rails/heavy plasma

Hi, my ingame pilot is Tyreel:

I think it is a team task:The Frigates must be a support for Fighters and specially for Interceptors by attracting enemy fire on themselves; as well frigates must be mainly dedicated to destruct stronger enemies while the rest of vessels are dedicated to kill enemies who are shooting to allied frigates and reach the real objective of the game, on each gametype. By doing that you can conquer the territory step by step, stone by stone. So… I think that frigates are the game strategy basics of Star-Conflict  :wink:

I think frigate skills are well balanced, because a frigate with stronger skills could be almost undestructible

Lanx and Uhmari, if you play against a good teamwork, try to attack a frigate with a weak interceptor :smiley:


that’s not how it works now, attacker can take out frigates way faster than a frigate can take out an attacker…just because it’s so immobile and large…


in T2


at long range:(range of heavy rails, heavy plasmas \ 3K+)

frigate uses anything other than laser is useless, attacker wins

at medium range:(range of assult laser,rail,plasma \2-3K)

frigate  might able to hit something with heavy rail and deal some decent damage(with bullet speed increase modifier), attacker wins

at close range: 2K-

if you are flying a frigate, you are dead…unless the attacker is new to this game…

Another issue that I experience a lot of times when I am in battle is, that many people are playing without support modules.

Sometimes I see 4 frigates on one place, but not even one is using a repair module so it will be easy to wipe them out with 2-3 fighters.

Another issue that I experience a lot of times when I am in battle is, that many people are playing without support modules.

Sometimes I see 4 frigates on one place, but not even one is using a repair module so it will be easy to wipe them out with 2-3 fighters.

that’s also one of the thing, i always have hull repair and shield repair support modules on, those 2 are the must have on my frigate


but even if they have support module, it wont help at all, because support module does not stack


for example, my team mate has shield generator mk1, i have mk3, mine will take the priority and his shield generator is just simply not doing anything except draining his energy.

ranges of support modules might be limited to ~ 5000u so everyone have to move to get repairs and all the support frigates get some assists / points for repair

i dont think the idea of the support frigate is really working. It may be viable if its changed to a sort of direct- healer much like in eve (that is also funner).


the problem is everyone has figured out that you can 2-3 hit in frigates, and as a result gets lots of exp, and credits etc.

so everyone has decided to scrap the idea of support frigates, which kills the idea that the frigates had in the game from the sort which is


a class of ship escorted, that is built to support the fleet with various modules/effects and cover fire


I think the idea of lowering the mt of the ship will bring the frigate into the fight, making it something that can dog fight will likely resolve the identity crisis the ship class is having. this will also improve the speed of the game for that class of ship, making it fast pace like the others. 

not like my frigate dont want use repair module, i dont get chance!  im agree frigate need bit buff on hull side. the game mechanic for “more shoot landed = more damage” is make big fat size frigate without shield only last like 5 sec most cause it easy target for smaller ship especialy ceptors. I know this game supposed to be fast paced, but 5 sec to kill frigates seems kinda too fast for to do something counter it

Dunno, I kinda have mixed feelings about this one. On one hand I don’t mind how frigates work at the moment.

On the other hand I feel like they aren’t functioning the way they would fit into the game more. When I feel like the latter I want one of two things;

Making frigates more manouverable and faster as stated above me


Actually making them even bigger with their current speed etc., but also a lot more sturdier, so that a frig can be flown into the frontline and not die instantly while using the more close quarters weapons and modules. (I.o.w: they will actually be able to tank some)

Considering and mentioning all this I still wouldn’t mind if it stayed the way how it is now.

Well, if the frig would do 3x the damage of an interceptor and 2x the damage of a fighter (whoch would be logical after all, since frigs have 6 weapons, fighter 4 and inters only 2), the problem would be solved. Then again, they would be kind of OP, at least if they could stil fire as much as the can now. Which could be solved by also tripling the overheat speed (although that wouldn´t be logical, yet balanced) OR make mainweapons drain energy as well. This way a frig could lad a severe hit, maybe even two but after that, it would have to wait.


Or a completely different approach: let us turn our weapons without the need to turn the whole ship! At least on Frigs this would be helpful. Leaving the problem that all frigs would need a re-design. So, won´t happen.


Final solution (and easiest one): more teamplay! Never leave a frig solo or at least be in range so you can shoot down attackers!

teamplay indeed, but not most situation fit… at the moment the frigate shield down, they down fast… faster than ceptor or fighter, which are supposed have less durability than frigates.

so far our frigate hull seems just made from thin can metal…


so option i could suggest:

rework on mechanism “more hit landed = more damage” for frigate;

buff the hull;

give faster rotation speed for em (but this might make frigate more harder and more unstable to steer, so im not really agree with this)

or give back turret shoot view for em (but not full power when shoot rear/back) ,so even they still might dead fast, they still able give some fight back.

i agree with am totally, and its something i said a month ago.



Frigates becoming very large its a solution, however it kills the smaller craft play.


So i come to the conclusion that its better to have the 3 (named also)


Light fighter (interceptor) Is low damage, electronic war/tackle support ship. It is NOT an attack ship its damage needs to be reduced by 25%. I am looking at modules that can be added to the game, that play support roles, but are not healing base. one of these idea’s was to give the light fighter very good sensors, a module that all can equip but the light fighter has a cloak-detection variant (ie it can detect cloaked ships with in 750-1000 meters). mass is around 75 (up from 50)



The Fighter (Attack ship) is a moderately tanky/damage dealer, its the balance between the ligh and heavy fighter. its purpose is general everything. attack, tank, and so forth. The current version of this vits it well, but i feel they can be a little more mobile. Hence my suggestion to lower their mass from 350 to 150.



The heavy Fighter (Frigate) Will have a mass of 350 (it will feel and move like the current attack ship). It will however, be slightly slower (its ms will be nerfed a little from what it is now) and slightly tankier then it is now (+ 15% more hp then current). This ship wil be a heavy missile variant. It will carry 2 missile silos, and they will have a larger payload. 15 Regular missiles, 8 nukes/torpedo’s.

will be the standard. This ship will be slower, tanky, and it will be designed in a way to almost keep up with fighters, but will  lag behind. Because i invision it to support, it will get 5 active slots, 3 of which have to be used for support. this will be done by forcing the slots to only accept support/healing based modules. support will include any buff or healing ability, the fighter will be very suited for fighting the Frigate (a new ship) the smallest of the capital ships.


Frigate to Dread.


Capital ships will range from 1500 m long / 150 m wide / 50m tall (Frigate) to 5000 meters long, 1000 wide, and 500 tall (dread)

They will be very tanky, and will have turrets that can be disabled (kill their life, and they offline for 1-3 minutes, after which they repair). Capital ships will be used primarily to kill capitals, but the frigate will fill a role of a capital ship in side, and mobility, but cannot be killed by the fighter craft (Except the frigate which will require like 5-10 minutes of heavy attack).


Turrets will come in two types



Automated by a UI, they shoot rapid fire plasma/rails at targets in 3k of them. they have a moderate spread, and are slightly less accurate then the Current Bots.


Heavy Turret

This are controlled by the single pilot of the ship, and are all forward Guns. Their charges are extremely slow, and will never hit any sub-cap ship.



If you want an idea of how i see corp battles in this game, watch the first part of star-wars return of the syth. thats the sort of idea i am looking at.

i agree with am totally, and its something i said a month ago.

Frigates becoming very large its a solution, however it kills the smaller craft play.

So i come to the conclusion that its better to have the 3 (named also)

Light fighter (interceptor) Is low damage, electronic war/tackle support ship. It is NOT an attack ship its damage needs to be reduced by 25%. I am looking at modules that can be added to the game, that play support roles, but are not healing base. one of these idea’s was to give the light fighter very good sensors, a module that all can equip but the light fighter has a cloak-detection variant (ie it can detect cloaked ships with in 750-1000 meters). mass is around 75 (up from 50)

The Fighter (Attack ship) is a moderately tanky/damage dealer, its the balance between the ligh and heavy fighter. its purpose is general everything. attack, tank, and so forth. The current version of this vits it well, but i feel they can be a little more mobile. Hence my suggestion to lower their mass from 350 to 150.

The heavy Fighter (Frigate) Will have a mass of 350 (it will feel and move like the current attack ship). It will however, be slightly slower (its ms will be nerfed a little from what it is now) and slightly tankier then it is now (+ 15% more hp then current). This ship wil be a heavy missile variant. It will carry 2 missile silos, and they will have a larger payload. 15 Regular missiles, 8 nukes/torpedo’s.

will be the standard. This ship will be slower, tanky, and it will be designed in a way to almost keep up with fighters, but will lag behind. Because i invision it to support, it will get 5 active slots, 3 of which have to be used for support. this will be done by forcing the slots to only accept support/healing based modules. support will include any buff or healing ability, the fighter will be very suited for fighting the Frigate (a new ship) the smallest of the capital ships.

Frigate to Dread.

Capital ships will range from 1500 m long / 150 m wide / 50m tall (Frigate) to 5000 meters long, 1000 wide, and 500 tall (dread)

They will be very tanky, and will have turrets that can be disabled (kill their life, and they offline for 1-3 minutes, after which they repair). Capital ships will be used primarily to kill capitals, but the frigate will fill a role of a capital ship in side, and mobility, but cannot be killed by the fighter craft (Except the frigate which will require like 5-10 minutes of heavy attack).

Turrets will come in two types


Automated by a UI, they shoot rapid fire plasma/rails at targets in 3k of them. they have a moderate spread, and are slightly less accurate then the Current Bots.

Heavy Turret

This are controlled by the single pilot of the ship, and are all forward Guns. Their charges are extremely slow, and will never hit any sub-cap ship.

If you want an idea of how i see corp battles in this game, watch the first part of star-wars return of the syth. thats the sort of idea i am looking at.

I really like the ideas about the current ships (mostly because of your explanation yesterday ;D ) though om not sure about that dreadnought thing. Well, no sweat, it’s still only half-way to being finished which why I still have to defend it :stuck_out_tongue:

PS: that heavy turret thing reminds me of the orange ship in the intro clip of the game. Is that how you envision the dreadnought except bigger?

PPS: that ship has shield capacity / energy relay (he diverted the shield on the rear to full power on the front). Will that be an option on your dreadnought / frigate?