Frigate durability

Is it just me, or has the guard frigate become completely obsolete after the new patch unless used as a warp gate projectile? 


I have played a few games and I don’t see where their usefulness comes in to play anymore, they can be eliminated in a single pass by almost any fighter craft it seems now.


Is there any reason to use a slow, vulnerable, flying brick that cant do as much damage (Actually having two less turrets)? They certainly cant tank any more. and are even slower.


With their abilities, I have seen fighters tank better than frigates - tanking multiple frigates at once.

Guard frigates aren’t for DPS. They are for protecting other ships, beacons, etc.


You can mount missile shield and pulsars on a guard frigate. If you need some more durability, mount a self-heal module. But you have a huge boost in durability over the last patch. Guard frigates are pretty hard to kill.

Then why did the survivability droped so much?

Yesterday my Fed-guard frig had 72k survivability, today i have 59k. I don’t remember what was shield or hull, only survivability rating.

Then why did the survivability droped so much?

Yesterday my Fed-guard frig had 72k survivability, today i have 59k. I don’t remember what was shield or hull, only survivability rating.

That’s actually a nerf of 18% survivability. Yesterday they needed 4-7 seven ships to get me down so it will still be 3-6 ships to kill a good guard frigate.

If they are pretty hard to kill, why can a Fighter of lower tier beat them at durability in combat one on one with the very same weapon, if not at survival rating, in a slug out - with the fighter staying still?


Is it the abilities fighters have over-tanking a guard frigate, or is the guard frigate more of a cover type ship, hiding behind debris.


For Clarity, the above was based on Tier 2.

If they are pretty hard to kill, why can a Fighter of lower tier beat them at durability in combat one on one with the very same weapon, if not at survival rating, in a slug out - with the fighter staying still?


Is it the abilities fighters have over-tanking a guard frigate, or is the guard frigate more of a cover type ship, hiding behind debris.


For Clarity, the above was based on Tier 2.


Guard ship need Engineer ship to support them with regens, flying alone will certainly get you killed :stuck_out_tongue:

If they are pretty hard to kill, why can a Fighter of lower tier beat them at durability in combat one on one with the very same weapon, if not at survival rating, in a slug out - with the fighter staying still?


Is it the abilities fighters have over-tanking a guard frigate, or is the guard frigate more of a cover type ship, hiding behind debris.


For Clarity, the above was based on Tier 2.

I cannot agree with you more. Same happened to me at T3. I don’t think ill be flying my guard frig at all for a very long time.