Friendly Fire

I don’t get to play all too often.

When I do it is usually for SC at 9:00pm eastern till 10…

For the first time ever I noticed friendly fire.

Something I do like.

I was wondering how long has this been happening that I just totally did not notice it. I ask because I wonder if it is an always been thing and a change in my play style made me notice it.

Is it SC only, or is there friendly fire in PVP. Will it be implemented in open space?

Seriously I am a battle master and I don’t even know the answer to this. I looked at the last few patches and saw nothing. So I am thinking it something that I somehow didn’t notice.

In Sector Conquest, friendly fire was activated from the start. In normal PvP matches, there is no friendly fire, but you can still damage yourself. Concerning Open Space, you will have to wait for official announcements and read the developer blog for news updates =)

Thanks for the reply. That is typical me to not notice.


I wonder how many death’s I’ve had cause I was special.


The best part is I pilot CO only, and did not notice!

In normal PvP matches, there is no friendly fire

Damaging clouds have friendly fire enabled in all game modes actually.

Is that guided torps only? Does that include smart torps, and area burst like the ECM’s cannon?

Is that guided torps only? Does that include smart torps, and area burst like the ECM’s cannon?

Yes (not sure what you mean by smart torps - guided torps are the only torps that leave a damaging cloud behind), and since you’re a cov ops pilot don’t forget nukes.

Thanks Snib, forgot about that.