Fresh(almost)weekly memes (Part 23 of 420)


Moral of the story, nothing is too experimental for Ellydium.

They can manipulate space-time continuum but can’t travel faster than light  ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

700m/s man, can’t go faster than that ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 hour ago, ORCA1911 said:

700m/s man, can’t go faster than that ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

Then explain warp speed

lol, this is funny


really though, why the f*ck is ellydium making the NY18, shouldn’t the guys who normally do ancient tech stuff (vulcan, spiral, endeavor) be working on this? ellydium is just a mary sue faction

48 minutes ago, evo888 said:

lol, this is funny


really though, why the f*ck is ellydium making the NY18, shouldn’t the guys who normally do ancient tech stuff (vulcan, spiral, endeavor) be working on this? ellydium is just a mary sue faction

Ellydium isn’t. It’s a “unique” ship. No faction affiliation.

They just compared the ship production being so experimental it exceeds Ellydium, but something is telling me their future projects will be more ambitious than the ones we currently have, as of now the devs have a lot on their plate, Rank 16 and 17, possibly 18 each with 3 ships for the 3 base factions, the Open Space revamp and the remaining 7 ships for Ellydium, and let’s not forget that the same team is working on Crossout, if they manage to pull all of this off by the end of 2018 then we’re in for a ride and a half.

3 hours ago, evo888 said:

lol, this is funny


really though, why the f*ck is ellydium making the NY18, shouldn’t the guys who normally do ancient tech stuff (vulcan, spiral, endeavor) be working on this? ellydium is just a mary sue faction

A reminder too that the broker also issues NY18 part missions, meaning that it’s more of a joint op. Ellydium has the tech, the shady dudes have the money. And if I remember correctly Ellydium is actually just a corporation, not a government, so this suits perfectly well.