Frequent game crashes since Journey update

  1. Game crashing excessively since the journey update.

  2. To be able to play the game in a stable game environment.

  3. Loading into battles, rejoining battles, deploying trap mine, gravitational lense activation and more that haven’t been noted due to the randomness of the crashes.

  4. Since the Journey update Star Conflict has been crashing excessively, often during battle but sometimes immediately upon loading into battle. 

  5. Completely random. Sometimes 6 times in a few hours, sometimes none at all in a day.

  6. Logs of most recent crash attached. Will be adding more from future crashes.

  7. last entry from crash instance logs indicates 17:48:19.821. Timezone is +10 AEST.

  8. Attached.

  9. Unrelated.

  10. Unrelated.


[Exception](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16784)

[Exception logs](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16785)

Exception logs

21 hours ago, TheDerpNukem said:

Game crashing excessively since the journey update.

Try to repair/reinstall game. Also, check your hdd.

1 hour ago, Skula1975 said:

Try to repair/reinstall game. Also, check your hdd.

I’ll try reinstalling first up and then check hard drive after. I only really reported this as usually by the time I (successfully) rejoin a battle where I’ve crashed there are 4-5 others disconnected as well.

UPDATE: Crashes seem to be a result of a memory leak. Just had a single PvP match crash me 4 times in a row whilst trying to reconnect and logs seem to say the same thing [@Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239039-skula1975/)



Exception logs

Exception logs

Exception logs

Exception logs


I can confirm that the game crashes excessively, I always submit logs, please fix this asap.

I will also try to reinstall though.

2 hours ago, daAresinger said:

I can confirm that the game crashes excessively, I always submit logs, please fix this asap.

I will also try to reinstall though.

Try to find your Stargem folder. It can be hidden, so select to show all hidden files and folders. Also, go to your Exception folder under My Games, Star Conflict.

If you can’t find any, use the Search option.

Post both zipped folders here. The data in there will enable them to locate your issue and improve response times on such matters.


So far, you provided nothing of value.

Allright here you go:

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=o_1cdsdruus1bekag1dt42ph1vkgb)

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16978)


But let me just say how riddiculous it is to expect us to search through 50 folders to find the crash reports and put them in a forum that is as unorganized as this one.


Especially when there already is a semiautomated mechanic, built into the game that lets you send crashreports with a description of what happened leading up to the crashes.


Utilizing the forum this way and then putting demeaning bull in your signature like “No report - no bug” is nothing but a sign of utter unprofessionalism and proof that Targem/Gajin is not here to stay.


I sure hope that no other company makes the mistake of hiring the people in charge of responsible for this mess.

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=16977)

Oh, I was wondering why my game keept crashing in the best pvp matches…

So i don’t need to buy a new PC?

17 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

Oh, I was wondering why my game keept crashing in the best pvp matches…

So i don’t need to buy a new PC?

Having a PC setup with which the game is not crashing is more the exception then the norm (but it is possible).

23 hours ago, John161 said:

Having a PC setup with which the game is not crashing is more the exception then the norm (but it is possible).

yea with 64 gigs of ram ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

1 minute ago, daAresinger said:

yea with 64 gigs of ram ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Even that doesn’t prevent crashing.

4 hours ago, daAresinger said:

yea with 64 gigs of ram ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Nope won’t help. Your RAM is definitely not the reason that the game is crashing.

I guess so, but shouldn’t it reduce crashes if the problem is a memory leak?

3 minutes ago, daAresinger said:

I guess so, but shouldn’t it reduce crashes if the problem is a memory leak?

Nope. The game is a 32bit executable and therefore it can only address ~4Gb.



1 hour ago, Skula1975 said:



[@Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239039-skula1975/)


Do you plan to upgrade 32-bit executable (Game.exe) to support more than 4 GB of RAM, like 64-bit executable, or make it backwards compatible with both Operating Systems, x32, and x64?