
I am very sorry but when i changed entire pc for new one from my laptop i still encounter the same problem with game randolmy freezes in wierd and sometimes crucial moments for gameplay. 


as it was with my laptop (  which is converted into razor blades by now ) for Finnaly fixing the issue im posting dxdiag info, game logs, and two gameplays. 


Game 1


Game 2


sometimes game freezes constantly every few seconds and sometimes it freezes few times for a match.

As far as I know, the game “freezes” when new players join the battle. And so far the only solution is to have a game running from an SSD

your wasting your time  … they know about it and don’t care … its been like this for over a year now

33 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

your wasting your time  … they know about it and don’t care … its been like this for over a year now


wait, you mean that’s not supposed to happen? i thought the devs were punishing non-donators ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)

10 hours ago, Okoks said:

I am very sorry but when i changed entire pc for new one from my laptop i still encounter the same problem with game randolmy freezes in wierd and sometimes crucial moments for gameplay. 



Based on DxDiag you have very very slow HDDs. 

9 hours ago, xKostyan said:

As far as I know, the game “freezes” when new players join the battle. And so far the only solution is to have a game running from an SSD

… or precache it somehow. I noticed the lag appears only if a new player has a ship/modules that’s not already on the battlefield. My bet is that the lag is caused by a need to load new models. I wonder what will Skula say ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

8 hours ago, evo888 said:

wait, you mean that’s not supposed to happen? i thought the devs were punishing non-donators ![:00:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/00.png “:00:”)

What does this have to do with “donations”?

9 hours ago, _terrorblade said:

What does this have to do with “donations”?

it was a joke, i was saying that the developers were actively f*cking with people who didn’t fork over money

On 1.12.2017 at 9:39 PM, Okoks said:


sometimes game freezes constantly every few seconds and sometimes it freezes few times for a match.


Try this:

  • freshly booted system (no browsers launched, nothing)

  • unpack this somewhere (like your game folder):

[](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=15630)

  • right click on it -> properties and select unblock

  • from the command line enter filedrive.exe (path to where your StarConflict game is installed)\data

  • wait for it to finish (with your disks it can take a while)

  • run the game

  • check if the freezing still occurs


What that program does -  it just reads the content of the folder. OS will read the files and map it to a Standby memory, thus effectively - preloading all contents from the data folder to RAM.

I have same problem. Other more advanced games are performing well on my pc but star conflict is freezing. What is interesting - my sister is playing star conflict on pc with old 9600gtx graphics card and she can play fluently without freezes. Both pc’s are using ordinary magnetic hard drives.

alright i tried to use your program but im not sure if it works correctly. I unlocked the program and executed it via CommandPrompt, but it seems like RAM was cleared instantly afterwards, should it look like that ? 






30 minutes ago, Okoks said:

alright i tried to use your program but im not sure if it works correctly. I unlocked the program and executed it via CommandPrompt, but it seems like RAM was cleared instantly afterwards, should it look like that ? 






Exactly like that ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

You can check if the files are mapped correctly using this Microsoft tool:

If the File summary tab looks similar to this:



you are good to go.


Memory is getting cleared - that’s why I asked to not have any other apps running if possible - those files are in Standby memory, which means that technically this memory can be used immediately by any other application, overwriting mapping of those files (and it is still reported as a free memory by task manager). This way those files are available immediately to application in a way that’s way faster than any SSD available and faster than any RAMdisk ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)


As for now it’s working as intended. Thank you very much.

If repeated, check internet connection


[@Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239039-skula1975/), нет нет нет, тут проблема не в интернете, а в медленном харде и ТС это уже объяснили и подсказали метод решения проблемы.

7 hours ago, Skula1975 said:

If repeated, check internet connection


[@Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239039-skula1975/) would you mind taking a look into this thread?


[@Skula1975](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/239039-skula1975/) The issue with the game is not related to network connectivity. That game can’t allocate needed memory for current build. Freezing means it LOADS the data FROM HDD. Niripas program resolved that problem which is in game engine. In 99% the Ram usage by engine alone is a little over 2 GB of ram 2130MB, in pvp it’s not enough thanks to many parcitle efects from Ellydium ships.

… also due to improved  graphics effects in general which came with the last patches…