Free One Day Licenses

When we get free one day license because of a long update or a special event there is always an expiration date sooner or later telling us to use it now. What if Star Conflict kept crashing on my computer or I wasn’t going to play alot that day. I believe that we should be able to use the free one day license whenever we want and should not be pressured to use it when they say so.

Then you should use is earlier :slight_smile: Anyway don’t complain about free stuff… If someone give you stuff, say “THANK YOU” and be happy about that.

Free is free.

If you lose it - you never had it in first place (you lose nothing).

If you get it - be grateful.

The free licences are compensation for insufficient / broken / poor service. If you can’t use that compensation then you haven’t been compensated.

Ergo, the free licence should not activate until a player chooses to do so.