Free Blood Tormentor!

So I’ve been feeling like xxxx for the past few days, so to take my mind off of that I’ve decided to have a sort of contest for a Blood Tormentor DLC on Steam.

To participate you must kill me in any PvP gamemode a total of 7 times. Once you have killed me, simply send me a direct message saying “gotcha” and I will put a mark by your name. The first to 7 before April 30th will get the DLC.

A “kill” counts as dealing the final blow that results in my ship exploding. If you say “gotcha” and were not the one that got the kill (as seen in the combat logs) you will get no point.

To receive the prize your account has to be Steam linked.

Also if you already have a Blood Tormentor you will not be given the DLC.

If it is illegal to give DLC due to some strange regulation in the rules, please just tell me. Communication makes a world of difference.

Here’s a hint to finding me in-game:

“I am in CST and in college.”

Also I play T3 and T4 mostly.

Wich tier do you usualy fly?


I dont think their are any regulations against it, many players have done similar contests in the past.

I ll look forward shooting you :wink:

Lemme guess, try and kill foxy in his dessie.

he is not in T5 :wink: i never got him there and will not change my rank to play against you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: anyways that’s nice!

nice offer. i guess to hunt a BT it would make sense to seek in T3 :stuck_out_tongue:


fortunately, i already own a Blood Tormentor so I won’t hunt the fox unusally more often, beratnas.


Watched black sails yesterday and i ask myself now, what kind of tea is so nice orange in a small cup Private Browsing, it looks yummy. Or is that just regular tea, and now i am obsessed with orange colored tea?

I’m generally in T3 as of lately. T4 once new dessies come out. Xp

And I will not nesesarily be in my destro~

What is CST?

Time zone

Oh, silly me

Watched black sails yesterday and i ask myself now, what kind of tea is so nice orange in a small cup Private Browsing, it looks yummy. Or is that just regular tea, and now i am obsessed with orange colored tea?


Looks like regular tea to me, though without milk which is sacrilege so I should probably change it :P 

look what iFound





7 times. ;3

7 times. ;3








Much better. XD

What happens if I get you 7 times using a blood tormentor?

What happens if I get you 7 times using a blood tormentor?

You get nothing!