Well, appearently that wasnt the case, still got same FPS as before


So the list continues:


Tried the steam/launcher fix

Playing around with Vsynch/graphics

Putting ubuntu/linux on my PC brings other problems

Validating Game Cache brings me no further

Running cmd → Dxdiag doesnt show any problems

Update both AMD and Intel driver

Experiencing exactly this problem. Sometimes i spawn into map (can be third, fourth ship) and FPS drops down to 6.


dxdiag attached here

[dxdiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=8848)

Experiencing exactly this problem. Sometimes i spawn into map (can be third, fourth ship) and FPS drops down to 6.


dxdiag attached here


Couldnt find anything wrong with your dxdiag, you have latest driver installed or so it seem. I forwarded your case to the dev. While we wait for an answer, please read this [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/) and open a new thread in the proper section of the forum.



Few quick games and problem did not appear again so  there is nothing for me to post. Thanks for heads up.

It was bad with the FPS dropping to 19-24 … then the next day… no problems…today… back to being unplayable… this did not happen prior to the last patch… as I have the same Laptop since I started playing SC with the occasional Russian server packet loss…


Yes I have the cmd on the Steam launch… and it still not preventing on some battles the severe FPS drops. 


This is really really frustrating… 

I always get FPS drops on certain PVP maps (the two newest ones, I don’t know what they are called).

Apart from that I have had no problems with this patch.

I always get FPS drops on certain PVP maps (the two newest ones, I don’t know what they are called).

Apart from that I have had no problems with this patch.



It was bad with the FPS dropping to 19-24 … then the next day… no problems…today… back to being unplayable… this did not happen prior to the last patch… as I have the same Laptop since I started playing SC with the occasional Russian server packet loss…


Yes I have the cmd on the Steam launch… and it still not preventing on some battles the severe FPS drops. 


This is really really frustrating… 


Please guys, if you still have issue make a full bug report so I can forward it to the dev.

I always get FPS drops on certain PVP maps (the two newest ones, I don’t know what they are called).

Apart from that I have had no problems with this patch.


The maps you are thinking of are “Abandoned Complex” and “Complex Alpha-7”