Fox Hunt!


To join the Fox hunt all you need to do is try to kill me; TheDarkRedFox!


But you cannot just kill me any random way, you must kill me a certain way!
As some of you may know, I have had a competition running for some time titled simply “Free Blood Tormentor Competition” that I have been updating. I’ve decided to broaden the pool for participation as well as rewards! Now, the prizes will be separated in to placements and awards.
The grand prize will be a brand new Blood Tormentor DLC free of charge.


This comes with the ship, as well as a sizeable amount of premium licensing.
The lower prizes will be 4 placements of  500 Galactic StandardsGS.png.78f7e6e3247da387a255fe48b5ed7c28.png as well as an honorable mention prize. The honors prize is strictly confidential and may or may not even be awarded. Stay tuned for hints on how to get it. ;3

The prizes will be awarded based on a point system. To achieve a prize, one must first gain a certain amount of points. The first pilot to gain 15 points will be awarded first prize, a Blood Tormentor. Those below them will receive their respective prizes. There are several ways to gain points and you are able to gain multiple points per battle. There are a few rules but the most important one is WIN.



Ways to find me in-game:

1: I will announce what tier and gamemode that I am about to queue in to and how much time before I do. Usually 5-10 seconds.

2: I will be playing mostly T3(Ranks 6-10).

3: Message me for more information.

Rules for gaining points:

1: If you kill me via a crash Crash.png.7e41afb9c64f9d43dbd92576e8260610.png, you gain 0.5-1 points.

2: If you kill me via a ship explosion Explode.png.576f8963da95dd7f63bbd0f757e2bbf6.png, you gain 1-3 points.

3: If you kill me via certain special modules like Overdrive Type ‘Sting’ Sting.png.cc09a0770eaafdf4a34ccfa828d25acd.png or the Reaper’s Improved Ram, you will gain 1-3 points.

4: If you use anomalies GravLens4.png.b309842c229da1cfa43c4102a484d02e.png, weapons, or modules Tractorbeam4.png.90746af9afa88cb683bce031f79b4206.png to cause me to collide with something and die, you gain 3 points.

5: If you deal 5,000 points of damage to me using the ‘Energy Converter’ EnergyConverter4.png.88ef9a6d06f985810f32028b12c740cd.png module, you will gain 1 point for every 5,000pts.

6: If you get kills that just make me scoot back from my keyboard and go “whoa”, you will earn points based on the “whoa factor”.

7: If you gain any amount of points with the help of Alien Crystal technology Crystals.png.3d6676b219a2e87a4ce368a10309e0aa.png, the current battles’ points will be multiplied by 1.25.

If a pilot wins the grand prize, they will have 7 days to claim it before it moves to the second place winner. If you already have the DLC, the competition will continue unaffected but you will get a lower prize and an honorable mention.
If you manage to get certain special prizes from me in-game, you will be entered to possibly receive the special reward. Don’t be afraid to talk to me during or after battles. ;3

Good luck and happy hunting!

(If you have any relevant questions at all, just ask. I’ll only bite if you’re being silly.)

Oh,yet another contest that might just get forgotten and the everyone will be like “Well I dunno man It was a while ago,not my problem” besides,my only reasons to play PvP are LCCs and making other people want to kill themselves,and I don’t do that often so bad luck.

Allready whao factor, i like yor Logo:



Logo is soooo Great!!!

But! The fox cannot be found! its too good at hiding. It hides in bush and then u cant see it so it cant be killed Oh Noes!


And plz reverse letters in logo so u read from left to roight.

Fox does not usually play at midnight or when he is working. Check after lunch time CST and you might catch him! Xp

Fox will also announce in general chat when he is online and when he is about to queue. I’ll probably be locking my server to Europe just because that seems to be the most stable middle-ground server. Russia would give an unfair advantage to everyone but me (lol) but US servers aren’t that great for others.

(And the logo was done by “Starving4M3AT” for those that want to know)

You have a very long way to Kurama’s level, on a scale from 1 to 9 you are at -2  ![:007_2:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

What? I’m at +3 Karma. What is this.

Kurama =/= Karma

Kuroma is that crazy Pedo Bear!


What’s this?


My post in the “Important stuff” area???


Isn’t that weird.

I’ll take u up on that challenge :D

Point goal has been lowered to 15.

Are you going to record videos of these battles?

42 minutes ago, inyazserg said:

Are you going to record videos of these battles?

I would love to but I have neither the software nor the hardware.

I’d like to play PvP. I really would. But there’s just one small, slight problem with that: simply, you can’t play PvP on US servers anymore.


My preferred server region is US and always has been. Despite this, I have been consistently shunted onto a Russian server for PvP matches ever since the Ellydium events first started. This is evidenced both by the consistent 200+ ping (by contrast, both Open Space and PvE modes are consistently 30-50 ping), and by the fact that all communications from all teammates are in Cyrillic instead of Roman characters.

2 hours ago, Fyhlen said:

I’d like to play PvP. I really would. But there’s just one small, slight problem with that: simply, you can’t play PvP on US servers anymore.


My preferred server region is US and always has been. Despite this, I have been consistently shunted onto a Russian server for PvP matches ever since the Ellydium events first started. This is evidenced both by the consistent 200+ ping (by contrast, both Open Space and PvE modes are consistently 30-50 ping), and by the fact that all communications from all teammates are in Cyrillic instead of Roman characters.

What do US/Russian servers have to do with this? I already said I’m always on EU servers because they are the happy medium. ^^

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

What do US/Russian servers have to do with this? I already said I’m always on EU servers because they are the happy medium. ^^

Your prefered servers probably should be in the description. It’s important thing ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Everybody knows that US has the worse ISP than half of the third world countries by default, and by knowing that, the only fix for US players to not-switch to RU or EU constantly is to simply have more players… #nohate

A player is getting close to the point goal! Keep trying to kill me as fast as you can! X3

2 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

A player is getting close to the point goal! Keep trying to kill me as fast as you can! X3

sorry not sorry