Fox for hire!

I, TheDarkRedFox, will hire myself out as a mercenary worker/hauler/tank/healer/etc for a sum of GS depending on the task asked of me. The starting prices will be listed below and are subject to change at any time as the game is “balanced”.


  • Standard multipurpose help: 200GS per 7 battles.

  • Dedicated healer: 150GS per 5 battles or 45 minutes in OS.

  • Hauler/scavenger(with maximum cargo capacity): 175GS per 45 minutes in OS.

  • Daily mission help: 100GS per three missions.

  • Daily OS mission help: 175GS per three missions.

  • Special event mission help: (Minimum trade price)GS per mission.

  • Hug: (Minimum trade price)GS.

  • SpecOps help: 200GS per win.

  • Discount blueprints and Ellydium ship components: Blueprints as high as 200GS and Tai’Kin parts always min price.


*Every contract will come with a random item or blueprint via the method of payment. All payments will be confirmed before the contract is put in place. The contract price will change depending on minimum trade price item availability. OS times are subject to increase or pause depending on how much time I have. All OS items gathered will be dropped in a secret location at the end of the contract period. The location will only be known by the employer and myself. SpecOps payments will be made up-front, and will last until a win is achieved, or 5 tries have gone by. OS mission help will be deducted one point per escort mission required by the employer. Fox hates escort missions. Dedicated healer will use the Mk4-5 variants of any healing item requested by the employer, including focused eclipse fire. Warp gates and barriers may be requested as well. Multipurpose help involves a standard damage-dealer/tank ship in effort to “win” the mission at hand.

n. Use the Service or any part thereof for performing in-game services, such as power-leveling and item collection services, in exchange for payment outside the Service;

As long as its inside the rules, you got yourself a business ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) lol

22 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

n. Use the Service or any part thereof for performing in-game services, such as power-leveling and item collection services, in exchange for payment outside the Service;

As long as its inside the rules, you got yourself a business ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) lol

Technically I am. Using in-game currency as payment for services in-game is perfectly legal.

It seems, Fox, you reinvented yourself and you become a truly mercenary. Nice. ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)

All Tal’kin parts for 500GS ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) That’s best deal you’ll get.

3 hours ago, MightyHoot said:

All Tal’kin parts for 500GS ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) That’s best deal you’ll get.

xD everyone want to sell it.

For some reason when I saw this, it looked quite dodgy. But Fox did prove again that anything is possible.

Wait, so that means no more T5 PvP squadding?

13 hours ago, ntboble said:

It seems, Fox, you reinvented yourself and you become a truly mercenary. Nice. ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)

The idea seems soo good i actually want in lol

31 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

The idea seems soo good i actually want in lol

Is the english chat and the window to build squads ok to promote this business?

As long as the payment is ingame and not outside (real money) it does not break game rules i guess, the idea was really interesting so i went on to check the rules and i cant find much against it, its close to breaking the rules but not going past it, as far as im concerned its a green light xD


Guys, guys

You overlooked a small detail - why would people want to hire somebody who will drag them down in the match?

And there’s my buddy kosty here to join the fun~

1 hour ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

And there’s my buddy kosty here to join the fun~

you bet



kosty be like…

++ for creativity.

How about the other way: Hire Fox for dragging down his team if he is the enemy of the one who hired him in pvp. This does not sound too good.

1 minute ago, Sinaka said:

How about the other way: Hire Fox for dragging down his team if he is the enemy of the one who hired him in pvp. This does not sound too good.

He already does this service for free : D

So many aristocrats… so little time… what can I say? People who think they’re superior to everyone else are of a common breed/stock; mostly inbred.

Consider that your philosophy lesson for today.