Four-pilot squads now in PvP

Attention all pilots! Starting today, maximum size of pilot squads in PvP-battles is increased to four people, due to new Matchmaker system. To make sure squads do not get a critical advantage in battles and for correct operation of matchmaking, we decided that each team should have no more than one four-pilot squad. This will help equalize opposing teams, and fighting will become more balanced.
We plan to further develop the use of large mercenary squads in PvP battles. With battle results in mind, necessary changes will be made ​​to ensure smooth gameplay not only for players in squads but also for solo pilots. Pilots will be informed of all changes in upcoming change logs.

[Discussion](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/30735-three-pilot-squads-now-in-pvp-discussion/)  :012j: