Forum Wonkiness

Anyone else been being bugged to log in to the forum a whole bunch? I have to log in three times if I want to read all the new posts every day.

Works fine for me. If the issue remains during the next days, please contact the support.

I have to log in three times if I want to read all the new posts every day.



I have to log in every single time…

this was happening, then it stopped happening and i don’t know why


good riddance to it though

I think this happens, when you were logged in from a different machine beforehand. They force a 2 - step - authorizaton. If you didn’t set it up, it wont let you log in from the 2nd machine.

I think this happens, when you were logged in from a different machine beforehand. They force a 2 - step - authorizaton. If you didn’t set it up, it wont let you log in from the 2nd machine.

I’ve only been using one computer for a while now.

Have you tried to delete your Browser’s Cache & Cookies?


I would like to reproduce this behaviour, could you tell me which Browser/OS you use?

Have you tried to delete your Browser’s Cache & Cookies?


I would like to reproduce this behaviour, could you tell me which Browser/OS you use?

Unfortunately, it seems to have stopped just today. I can’t really be certain about what went wrong any more, but I’ll bet it was the cache – I used CCleaner last night, which probably cleared it for me.


I’m using Firefox on Windows 8.1, if it helps.

Unfortunately, it seems to have stopped just today. I can’t really be certain about what went wrong any more, but I’ll bet it was the cache – I used CCleaner last night, which probably cleared it for me.


I’m using Firefox on Windows 8.1, if it helps.

Thanks. Hopefully these will help others if they have the same issue.