Forum problems

Is it just me or…half stuff is on english and half is not:)

The issue is known and in work.

Try harder:) same problem now.

We know about it:)

At least it may be a sutle way of teaching us a just tad of Russian ?

Im glad its known, I was starting to panic as the more I hit refresh to more russian I get…

I know we’ve been complaining Devs don’t listen to the non-Russian forums, but this isn’t the solution we had in mind!

It is very much in character though, so well done on that front.

I know we’ve been complaining Devs don’t listen to the non-Russian forums, but this isn’t the solution we had in mind!


(forums have randomly been repatriated to the Motherland several times recently, it’s not new)

It’s time to learn русский

Well someone tell the US there’s oil here so we can be liberated back to English.