Forum event: "Battle colour"

Oh nice! I won 3rd place  :snowgirl:


Thank you very much!


now everyone knows the reggae ship

Any explanation why? I mean xKostyan and my ships are pretty much identical, except for the flag and the fact that he payed to add the colour to his ship…


Yes, OK, I’m being a bad loser :smiley: But how did you guys choose the winners?

Judging by the title “Rip out the eyes”, my guess it they went for the ugliest.

Any explanation why? I mean xKostyan and my ships are pretty much identical, except for the flag and the fact that he payed to add the colour to his ship…


Yes, OK, I’m being a bad loser :smiley: But how did you guys choose the winners?

I would assume something along the lines of , “not every pattern looks good on every ship”, i have exactly the same color code on the Fed engi, and it looks terrible comparing to Empire Engineers even though both are “camo pattern”

Only Frigate ship got selected ? You could have said it in the contest rule’s that only the frigate ship were considered and I would have painted one… Such a disappointment.

Only Frigate ship got selected ? You could have said it in the contest rule’s that only the frigate ship were considered and I would have painted one… Such a disappointment.

Nonono… Only EMPIRE Frigates got selected.

Nonono… Only EMPIRE Frigates got selected.


When they first introduced that contest, I was kind of happy about it because it was a contest that every one could easily participate in. Now, not only will I never participate in any other event/contest, but I feel like not all the rule’s have been told to all pilot. Out of six selected ship only frigate have been selected, one cannot think this contest was fair in the first place… However, how I perceive the result of this contest could have been diffrent if, out of the six ship selected, at least 1 would have been any other kind of ship.

To be fair, majority of submissions were Frigates

The only non frig submission on English forums i kinda like is g4borg’s

[](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/24967-forum-event-battle-colour/?p=293178)

even though his Anaconda-M at the back ground, looks more of a battle painting, imho.
Same for the russian forums, I would not say that there those non frig submission that definitely better than any of the “prize winners”

Imho Minotaur in itself is one of the most cool looking ships in the game and it has best camo pattern to top it all off, so, for me, it would generate a best looking screen shots for majority of color patterns anyways.

To be fair, majority of submissions were Frigates


Thats a lie and you know it. You can say that many submitted frigate but not the majority, even in russian forum (I have seen them, arkaurl give a link to it) I have seen many non frigate ship.

Same for the russian forums, I would not say that there those non frig submission that definitely better than any of the “prize winners”

I meant not the frigates as majority but as the way screenies looked like


Counted anyways


English forum submissions:

Interceptor - 7

Fighter -  5

Frigate - 16


Russian forum submissions:

Interceptor - 10 

Fighter - 20

Frigate - 12



Interceptors - 17

Fighters - 25

Frigates - 28


There are no criterias to judge against, those are by “personal” feeling, while i am biased towards my scheme, regarding all other I don’t see any that are way better than chosen ones, matter of personal taste i guess, and probably would have gone either way I just don’t see a reason to come up with conspiracies again. Crazier coincidences happen in this life.


The designers took into consideration:


  • combination of different colors
  • combination of colors and ship choice of frigate
  • exposition (light, perspective, photo quality


Thats more like it :005j:

Standard issue:


An alternative for contrast of the glow:

![10435373_350672338437767_103888549964833]( gda =1424382369_8763ff30b20407cc26199ec6746376c4)

Now let’s make some striking, ew, wow colours because this will attract the attention of the judges: ![10612566_350673811770953_441383666929839]( gda =1423501379_9771b8a6a56be0dc39455f6ccc9429a6) ![10690179_350673848437616_141144125309478]( gda =1424974291_5c71f94a7784e06714d67b03ca30d4da)

And my favourite colours for this guard:

![10647078_350672315104436_428803666587572]( gda =1420641284_11fce9100455e3fc65c71990426bd9ab)

Oh yeah… ![10710588_350675771770757_304332267480098]( gda =1420767722_8d24c809ceb5aea328b811cfaa24f884)

Contest is already over

congratz to the winners!


and all the nice patterns, i liked this contest!


@kosty: yah the anaconda-m however still looks best in the mantis colors, and the katana-s might have been my best choice for combat colors…


but then i intended to add something else, if we have the medics, lets have a police :slight_smile:

i knew that would not make me a winner, but i found the thread needed some diversity :smiley:

so i put them in the background :smiley:

Yay! I was the only non frig ship to win!

5 out of 6 “winners” are Imperial Frigates :smiley:

Nonono… Only EMPIRE Frigates got selected.

This is a coincidence.

This is a coincidence.

5 out of 6 ships? With all the variety in the applications? Come on…

5 out of 6 ships? With all the variety in the applications? Come on…

They make the contest, they have the right to chose whatever they want.

It may be biased, it may be subjective, but aren’t all the contests like that?

You just submit for free and hope.

They liked the mesh pattern and it is their right. They did say “We will reward w/e we like”. And they have the right to do so.

We have a saying “Whoever pays - choses the music”

5 out of 6 ships? With all the variety in the applications? Come on…

Yes, it’s just a coincidence

What was the price of this contenst?? I wonder if I got anything :smiley: