- An extremely large amount of objects have missing shaders or incorrectly loaded textures.
- For the map to load correctly
- Load the map by any method.
- In the location “Fort Muerto” and the PvE mission “Pirate Fort Raid” a large amount of objects have shader errors or have poorly loaded/bugged textures.
This includes structures near the coordinates of:
- 75.9 721.2 74.4
- 557.5 -166.8 10.2
- -31.9 120.8 -126.6
- -122.6 90.6 26.6
- -154.2 65.2 40.5
- -66.6 -164.7 535.2
- 7.3 -169.6 566.9
- -509.4 -138.0 69.6
- -570.6 -161.5 22.9
- -536.1 -169.8 -32.8
This also includes every single instance of an ‘Asteroid’ object within the map, as every single one has improperly loaded textures.
All the time.
Game logs attached.
Video overview with coordinates - Видеообзор с координатами
Error locations - Места ошибок
Not necessary, this problem has been present for several years.
Not necessary, ever player is able to view this problem.
Not necessary.
Not necessary.
[2022.04.01](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=21868&key=1cbb9e2bc041543d95ba63f99eb88b16)