for hire

im out on the market again.

i have ships on all tiers, currently building up t5s.

mostly active. never more than 5 days

EU timezone +1gmt. im on…well troughout the day, no fixed time. sometimes whole day (when life leaves me), sometimes in the evenings.



-eng main language

-older players (not always in the mood for teenage mutants) - (no offense…just had couple of cases of listening to mutants singing on voice chat. still having trauma)



You used to be in [TUF] before, right?

You can also look for Corporations in-game and submit your request or application.

However, I am sure people will look here as well.


Good luck with your search.

I’m sure with your stats you could get into any corp you like if you just ask them directly! However GoD will gladly give you a new home if you are interested! We have a TS3 channel for squadding where English is the only language.

I am the only teenager in our corp that is on TS (19 years old) but I can assure you I’m not mutant. :smiley: If you are interested either apply in-game, message Skiffle who will invite you, or pass by our TS channel: You will be stuck in the “landing deck” so you will need to ask someone for permissions.

I am AFGame for a couple of days but there are plenty of other active people who will welcome you :slight_smile:

What is your main time zone? We have people from all over the wirld but mainly America and EU

You do 3d modelling? Cool. Do you have by any chance an asteroid mesh lying around for free use?


Same as millanbel said. In your shoes, I would just visit corps and look where you fit in.

You can certainly squad with us if ya wanna

hop on ts, send us a note; however mostly we play t3 or SQ.



Atm. any T3+ player is hot on the market :smiley:


Teenage Mutants, lol :slight_smile:


However hire sounds as if you wanna get paid! xD

i’ll pay you 10 credits a year to clean my house ?

i’ll pay you 10 credits a year to clean my house ?

I’ll give him 11.

Atm. any T3+ player is hot […].


However hire sounds as if you wanna get paid!

Stop making him sound like a prostitue XD

Stop making him sound like a prostitue XD


so who is the pimp?

You could join Galactic Arc, however you would have a higher fleet strength than all of the other members, but not skill rating.

We use teamspeak, and would happy to have you along with us.

RadiX is recruiting. We are a mix of teenagers and adults, and require Dolby Axon, a voice client, for all members. Most of our members are t5 players, and most of our guys are in the 1200 sr, with some 1300 and 1400s. I am a teenager, so our corporation may not be for you. We are a 0 drama tolerated corp, and all the guys are super nice and we don’t have any problems with  idiots. We are international, and have people from russia, ukraine, germany, the U.S., and Turkey. Join us sometime in game! we usually do tier 3 for practice, and will sometimes do sector conquest. 


I am the robotic bunny and will destroy and enslave all bunnies that are within my grasp with the aid of my robobunny army. If you want to be a robobunny too and help us fight the forces of the white bunny himself (recoil), message me or one of my officers (Aelemental and Harrypotty) ingame.


Dogs of War will pay you handsomely in bananas imported straight from Malaysia. Apply ingame dude.

HA well i’ll pay in imaginary skittles and robobunny parts!

You do 3d modelling? Cool. Do you have by any chance an asteroid mesh lying around for free use?


Same as millanbel said. In your shoes, I would just visit corps and look where you fit in.

You can certainly squad with us if ya wanna

hop on ts, send us a note; however mostly we play t3 or SQ.



Atm. any T3+ player is hot on the market :smiley:


Teenage Mutants, lol :slight_smile:


However hire sounds as if you wanna get paid! xD

no…not exactly. i have something that is supposed to be asteroid. no textures or any details tho… its nothing special either. just and bumped…thing that is supposed to ressemble asteroid for easier scaling in some of my scenes. also im pretty much learning… but i can show you stuff i’ve done so far.


paid? yes, with some good wing(wo)men and help with improving skills… :slight_smile:

You’ll find those in radix :) 

Yes, Raven used to be in [TUF], and to which ever Corp he joins, you are getting one hell of a good pilot. Cheers!