Name: FM-10X Lionfish
Type: Tackler Fighter
Faction: Federation
Rank: 12
(Has standard tackler stats, but increased hull durability and speed with lower shields)
Passive slots: 2/2/2/2/1
Special Module: FL-01D Nemo Drone
Recharge: 45 seconds
Energy: 45pts
Tooltip: All enemies that come within 250m of the ship are coated in a dangerous plasma matrix that deals 3,000 EM damage every 5 seconds for 15 seconds. Activation of the module increases this effect radius to 750m, cloaks the ship, and releases a player-controlled drone fighter with 1,000pts of shield, 2,800pts of hull, flies at 600m/s, and a weapon that fires explosive harpoons at the crosshairs that deal 500 Kinetic damage on impact and after 5 seconds, a 2,000 thermal damage explosion if the explosive harpoon is not knocked off of the ship via collision. The cloak and drone last for 20 seconds.
Main weapon: Void Collapse
Damage: 5,100 Kinetic
RoF: 60rpm
Flight speed: 1,250m/s
Flight range: 5,000m
Turn speed: 10deg/s
Tooltip: Fires a heavy bolt of condensed matter that slows all enemies within 450m of it by 50%. On impact, it collapses and deals gradient damage within 1,200m. Bolts lazily track their target.
Active Module: Parasitic Wave
Recharge: 25s
Energy: 100pts
Tooltip: Fires an expanding wave of nanomites at the crosshairs for 2,750m. Affected targets lose energy by 80pts/s and shields at 700pts/s for 9 seconds.
Active Module: Red Flair
Recharge: 30s
Energy: 90pts
Tooltip: Sends bright red flares out in every direction for 4,000m. If they pass within 150m of an enemy, they lose radar capability for 10 seconds and take 150 Thermal damage.
Passive Hull Module: Tungsten Fin
Tooltip: Flying very close to an enemy ship at maximum speed will damage their hull for 10,350 Kinetic damage.