Flying Fleet

In invasion I find it strange that you are unable to control a group of ships, like pirates do. There are multiple “crews” for a reason!

I propose that as you unlock crews, you are allowed to undock with one extra ship from your “battle selection” (of 3-4 ships you would enter PvP with). This extra ship (or ships) will follow you everywhere you go and fight for you, targeting the enemy you are currently targeting. (Only fires on RED targets) The squad of ships will only move as fast as the slowest ship can fly, so they stay together. If you leave them behind, they will still try to reach you, but you will lose their protection. This mechanic would much invasion just slightly more playable, due to its outrageous difficulty if you aren’t a guard or tackler.

If any more details about my idea are needed just ask! ^^

I’m can always elaborate! (When time is available)

Extra ships are simple AI controlled. Like bots from invasion, so they cause less server strain.

I was going to suggest the ability to switch between your ships for control in flight, but that seemed a bit OP.

This is actually a good idea imo.  These ships should be in the same or lower tier, but are AI controlled and are not as good as enemy AI (if possible). They would absorb fire from enemy ships and respawn at the same rate as enemies.  When you warp, you receive all your ships again, just like you do with hull/shield.  My only criticism to this idea is that good pilots will just even further dominate unskilled ones.  My main source of death in Invasion is ECM groups and heavier groups with guards and such in T4+ sectors.  These other ships can soak up some of the debuffs, fire, etc.

Imagine a full 12-man wing, all with several shadows though…

Imagine a full 12-man wing, all with several shadows though…

If you’re in a squad, you do not get this option. Simple.

If you’re in a squad, you do not get this option. Simple.


That works :slight_smile:


Well anyway this suggestion will increase PVE in Invasion, and decrease PVP because it will be harder to kill solo pilots.  This is not something I want to see happening, so -1 from me.

There will always be ups and downs to any idea. And if you’re in a squad, there’s no point in having a sub-squad. So I guess that works. Xp

And PvP is for PvP and SecCon, not PvE. XD

(Though I must admit taking down random players in invasion is quite fun.)

But if they have a squad, you can too. It balances its self! X3

In invasion I find it strange that you are unable to control a group of ships, like pirates do. There are multiple “crews” for a reason!

I propose that as you unlock crews, you are allowed to undock with one extra ship from your “battle selection” (of 3-4 ships you would enter PvP with). This extra ship (or ships) will follow you everywhere you go and fight for you, targeting the enemy you are currently targeting. (Only fires on RED targets) The squad of ships will only move as fast as the slowest ship can fly, so they stay together. If you leave them behind, they will still try to reach you, but you will lose their protection. This mechanic would much invasion just slightly more playable, due to its outrageous difficulty if you aren’t a guard or tackler.

If any more details about my idea are needed just ask! ^^

I’m can always elaborate! (When time is available)

If you’re in a squad, you do not get this option. Simple.


These combined are a surprisingly good idea. I’m so used to flying tacklers in Invasion that I’ve forgotten how impossible it is to fly anything else. Makes flying Engie have nice perks, too.

i regularly fly recon, covops, engi, command in invasion and i don’t find it impossible. know where to hide, lure to the AI, let them engage and then assist the AI in killing, loot, run off and repeat

If you’re in a squad, you do not get this option. Simple.

dock out with those ships

get inv to wing

wut then?

dock out with those ships

get inv to wing

wut then?

They poof, like any good feature in this game does~



It is a nice and intersting idea, but I am afraid that something like this won’t be added. This would make it even harder to balance pvp in open space.

Okay then once all crews are maxed, you unlock the ability to bring ONE ship with you. Better? ^^

Okay then once all crews are maxed, you unlock the ability to bring ONE ship with you. Better? ^^

It would still be hard to balance, but perhaps we may find another way to make use of it.

YAS! *score*