After spending more than it is reasonable to get it, and a bit of time trying it out in both PvE and PvP, I feel like it’s performance is not adequate.
The UI does not list vital information about the weapon: the Blast Radius or the Turn Rate of the projectile.
Even with the generous assumption that it is fine stat-wise, it desperately needs some sort of UI indicator for how far the projectile is from the player, in order to assist with leading of targets and properly detonating it.
As it stands, increasing: Projectile Speed, Firing Rate or Maximum Range; dramatically alters the weapon’s handling in ways that are not consistent with the way other weapons behave, as most alterations carry a downside they do not have on more conventional weapons:
- Increasing the Projectile Speed makes it harder to aim the weapon at fast moving targets(because as far as I can tell, it doesn’t boost the turn rate to match).
- Increasing the Firing Rate(with the exception of Gunship special modules, which also boosts the projectile speed) means the weapon is ready to fire faster than the projectile reaches it’s maximum range.
- Increasing the Maximum Range means the weapon can no longer fire at it’s full Firing Rate, as the projectile now takes longer to reach it’s maximum range.
Essentially, increases to those three stats(Projectile Speed, Firing Rate, Maximum Range) should most likely be tied together in some fashion, or their functionality altered somehow, to produce a more consistent interaction with modules and other boosts. For example: Projectile Speed being tied to Range and Firing Rate(so that the weapon is always ready to fire immediately as the projectile detonates at the end of it’s maximum flight range), while Projectile Speed bonuses from modules and buffs would only alter the projectile’s Turn Rate.
- The weapon feels simply inadequate in terms of it’s overall DPS, relative to the complexity of it’s usage mechanics, despite the unique features it offers.
Flux phaser is the ultimate skillshot weapon if you use it right, nobody is safe from it but if you tend to use it as a straight shot projectile then no stat extras can help you (wasted potential). Oh and the descriptions were always crappy with some exceptions.
1 minute ago, ORCA1911 said:
Flux phaser is the ultimate skillshot weapon if you use it right, nobody is safe from it but if you tend to use it as a straight shot projectile then no stat extras can help you (wasted potential). Oh and the descriptions were always crappy with some exceptions.
Flux is an idiot weapon for people who can’t properly aim with normal guns and like to trade their combat efficiancy for sitting at 7km distance and dealing 1k em damage every 8 seconds
Flux phaser was ultimate weapon for survival mode.
Argonaut + Flux phaser is top build.
Those were glory days.
It is long range weapon with 100 % hit rate when you lock target. Also you can hit target if you are hidden or if target is behind obstacle. It is also easy to hit LRF and cov ops when they are in stealth mode.
Main problem is not Flux phaser but that some weapons in combo with some active modules are so OP that is no point of using anything else if you play PvP.
20 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:
Flux is an idiot weapon for people who can’t properly aim with normal guns and like to trade their combat efficiancy for sitting at 7km distance and dealing 1k em damage every 8 seconds
Well yeah its used like that 99% of the time but there are some unique ships with unique builds for the flux that i may just show it soon ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)
31 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:
nobody is safe from it
It’s not that hard to avoid
39 minutes ago, _terrorblade said:
It’s not that hard to avoid
You know what i meant by it.
13 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:
Flux phaser is the ultimate skillshot weapon if you use it right, nobody is safe from it but if you tend to use it as a straight shot projectile then no stat extras can help you (wasted potential).
Honestly, it feels like a weapon that should have been Engineer specific, rather than a Fighter sized Guided Torpedo.
On a Fighter, it only really makes sense as a Command role weapon, since it has no synergy with the roles or modules of the other two (not enough DPS for Tackler assassinations, control scheme ill suited for Gunship Overdrives), while on a Frigate it could at least be somewhat justified due to the longer ranges those typically engage at.
9 hours ago, Naqel said:
(not enough DPS for Tackler assassinations, control scheme ill suited for Gunship Overdrives), while on a Frigate it could at least be somewhat justified due to the longer ranges those typically engage at.
Simple… you get 6km inhibitor beam/target painter and stay back there like everyone does… just makes this thing even more annoying
And on gunship it’s probably better than on command bcs of the main weapon damage and crit boni.