Flight Academy

Good morning,

as you all know the start into Star Conflict is a little bit hard sometimes,

You need to learn how to control your ship, which ship is most effective in which situation and many other things.

So my idea is to create something like a lobby where new players can go and ask for help.

Next there are experienced players needed to teach the new ones so I would recommend that these teacher should have a higher rank in at least 1 faction, for example 1st Commander.

Than the teacher can choose one of the new players as a student and they will start a private match against some bots,where the teacher can explain the basics to the student.

Know if the student finds the teacher helpfull, he can become a fixed student of this teacher.

This means the teacher would get some extra reputation/xp every time the Student wins a match and this until the Student reaches a special rank for example Master Scout.

But there also needs to be a reward for the Student so lets say if both are online the Student gets a 20% reward on gold/xp/reputation.

And finally if the Student reaches Master Scout both could get a bigger reward for example 1 or 3 day license.

well,its a good idea,but you can do another thing,better for all,becuse low level dont in in the game whitout any practice on it,you can create a standard introduction whit the 3 tipes of ship ,in that introduction you have to do some lessons of flight and attack,and explain whit a narration how to move etc,after that introduction,you enter at hangar and start to fight.

disculpad de nuevo,ahora tratare de explicarlo en español que se entendera mejor,si se crea un tutorial basico,en el que entren directamente los jugadores nuevos,con enemigos que apenas ataquen y tengan movimientos sencillos,esto ayudara a los jugadores a familiarizarse con el entorno,deberia de haber una narracion en la que te diga pulsa tal tecla y haras esto,una vez echo esto,otro paso mas,asi con los tres tipos de nave,ademas esto les podria dar un poco de xp para ayudarles en el inicio de skill etc,y luego,lo que has comentado tb es genial,este tutorial seria bueno que contara con un boton de skip tutorial o algo asi,y que aparte se iluminara en los paneles lo que al jugador se le va indicando,para poder solventar un poco los problemas del idioma

well,its a good idea,but you can do another thing,better for all,becuse low level dont in in the game whitout any practice on it,you can create a standard introduction whit the 3 tipes of ship ,in that introduction you have to do some lessons of flight and attack,and explain whit a narration how to move etc,after that introduction,you enter at hangar and start to fight.

disculpad de nuevo,ahora tratare de explicarlo en español que se entendera mejor,si se crea un tutorial basico,en el que entren directamente los jugadores nuevos,con enemigos que apenas ataquen y tengan movimientos sencillos,esto ayudara a los jugadores a familiarizarse con el entorno,deberia de haber una narracion en la que te diga pulsa tal tecla y haras esto,una vez echo esto,otro paso mas,asi con los tres tipos de nave,ademas esto les podria dar un poco de xp para ayudarles en el inicio de skill etc,y luego,lo que has comentado tb es genial,este tutorial seria bueno que contara con un boton de skip tutorial o algo asi,y que aparte se iluminara en los paneles lo que al jugador se le va indicando,para poder solventar un poco los problemas del idioma

A tutorial for new players is in work but it will take some time before it gets finished.

How about, after the tutorial, have a fight mode where it is all human players vs all bots. Once you get to a certain rank, you don’t gain any xp, so the only veterans that hang around are those willing to help newbies (or trying to recruit newbies into their clan)

Also, just for this beta, have an arranged time when people can get on teamspeak and ask lots of questions, (and sticky it in the forums) so those who are struggling can get some answers. Kind of like a workshop or training class

How about, after the tutorial, have a fight mode where it is all human players vs all bots. Once you get to a certain rank, you don’t gain any xp, so the only veterans that hang around are those willing to help newbies (or trying to recruit newbies into their clan)

Also, just for this beta, have an arranged time when people can get on teamspeak and ask lots of questions, (and sticky it in the forums) so those who are struggling can get some answers. Kind of like a workshop or training class

I am online on teamspeak for the biggest part of the day and also on forums so everyone is free to ask.

yes, but no one knows that

yes, but no one knows that

So for that reason we also have to forums to asks questions.

Im thinkin like some … tutorial mission that give us … rank + both t1 fighter and t1 frigate when we complete it… or enuf munneh and rank to get both…

like example, when you done all interceptors tutorial + exam fight… you got rank + t1 fighter … or enuf munneh to buy it, and the Fighter Tutorial started as soon you have it…

then same as the frigate… and you got enuf rank to buy 2nd t1 interceptors when you complete it…

im always kinda pity those newcomers who forced to fight with lone interceptors in their hand…while their enemies , especialy bots, always have 3…