Flare Missile [Module]

Name: Flare Missile

Type: Passive Hull Module for Destroyers

Tooltip: When a missile is detected around the user, fires a massive and slow Vulpanium missile at the crosshairs. Any missiles within 2,500m of it lose their targets and small rockets have a 50% chance of spontaneously detonating from the heat.

Recharge: 25s

Flight speed: 250m/s

Flight range: 3,000m

Damage: 10,000-1,000 (decreases with range)

why would anybody waste a destroyer hull slot that for anything that is not directly allowing them to stay in the fight longer, aka do more dmg and have more presence? 

1 minute ago, xKostyan said:

why would anybody waste a destroyer hull slot that for anything that is not directly allowing them to stay in the fight longer, aka do more dmg and have more presence? 

Big bright slow thing that stops missiles is pretty present.

missiles are the puny tiny percentage of the dmg you are going to soak, put 1-2 and back it up with resistances and volume

I like it. Should be an active module though with dialled up effects.

5 minutes ago, WolfInnocence said:

I like it. Should be an active module though with dialled up effects.

Flares as an active on Dessies seems like a bit of a waste. I can’t really think of how to properly implement doomsday+firestorm+EMTorp stoppers.

Great module but not as a hull slot, I would rather like it as a cpu or capacitor.


Missiles speed is also way too low, 700m/s for a missile like this is a minimum I think ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)