Five years since release!


Five years ago, on September 4, 2014 Star Conflict was officially released. Since then, the project’s world has changed significantly. For four years pilots have been fighting each other in PvP, completing PvE missions, and exploring Open Space. 


During this time, new fighters, frigates, and destroyers joined the lineup. We added new weapons and new modules, while some ships can be equipped with additional alternative special modules. New locations were discovered.


Ellydium Corporation made its secret projects available to mercenaries — special ships using Alien technology. 


Over the past year, we added a new raid “Return to Eden”, new PVE missions “Price of Trust” and “Temple of Last Hope”, a new PvE system “UMC missions”, the Ellydium destroyer “Ze’Ta”, as well as a new mode “Last man standing” in brawls. We also introduced decor for additional customization of ships. The “Moon race” has begun.


The new year will bring us new surprises. And today we celebrate! Festive missiles ‘Spark’ are available for purchase from September 4 to September 10!


Yours truly,
Star Conflict Team