First world problems.

My K/D went down from ~1.70 to 1.54. I have dishonored my ancestors and must now commit seppuku. 



If you only watch numbers in your profile than trying to maximize fun gained from battling, you are doing something wrong.

Never mind. It’s back at 1.7 and climbing and all is right with the world. 


If you only watch numbers in your profile than trying to maximize fun gained from battling, you are doing something wrong.


Getting better is how I maximize fun. Though for the record, If K/D was all I cared about it would be a lot higher.

Yep this game is full of stats and numbers so there will be a larger proportion of people who like… Stats and numbers :stuck_out_tongue:

Going from 12 min games to 6 will definitely destroy your kill ratio.  I also feel the shame.  


kill ratio 7.10 before 6 min games




kill ratio 6.95



kill ratio 7.10 before 6 min games




kill ratio 6.95

 Mine went from 7,51 to 7,27

As well as it became harder to keep up a strong Kill Ration

In fact, short games prove “F*ck Stats”

My kill ratio stayed the same(Maybe I have done something wrong)

I really don’t know what my kill ratio is. I suppose is not very high, since I die quite a lot. But I prefer to win games than farming my K/D ratio.

Going from 12 min games to 6 will definitely destroy your kill ratio.  I also feel the shame.  


kill ratio 7.10 before 6 min games




kill ratio 6.95


Jeez! You shouldn’t be wasting your time here. Go join the MLG or something.


I really don’t know what my kill ratio is. I suppose is not very high, since I die quite a lot. But I prefer to win games than farming my K/D ratio.


You say that like one can’t do both. In fact, the latter usually helps a lot with the former. Dead enemies don’t cap beacons and neither do dead mes.

Whats funny is the Best Scores thread or in game most kills in a match.  It is close to mathematically impossible to beat the 32-42 kill games posted there.  Those scores will never be beaten again.  


“it’s a sad day for canada and therefore the world”



Jeez! You shouldn’t be wasting your time here. Go join the MLG or something.




You say that like one can’t do both. In fact, the latter usually helps a lot with the former. Dead enemies don’t cap beacons and neither do dead mes.

Not really. It helps, but if you farm your K/D ratio, most of the time you will be reticent to commit to objectives because of the fear of being killed and losing precious K/D rating decimals.


So far I have above 2 W/L ratio, so I think I’m doing something well.

Not really. It helps, but if you farm your K/D ratio, most of the time you will be reticent to commit to objectives because of the fear of being killed and losing precious K/D rating decimals.


So far I have above 2 W/L ratio, so I think I’m doing something well.


I don’t have that problem. I take risks. I just usually make it out of them. Especially in a recon interceptor like I’m flying a third of the time. Those can GTFO at will if things start going bad. Like I said earlier, if K/D was all I cared about it would be at least 4+ by now. In my opinion being able to play the objectives and win while also having a good K/D is what makes one a good player. You just rarely hear me talk about W/L because until someone at NASA decides to answer my recruitment questions I’m clanless. Playing with randoms makes it basically impossible to go much above or below 1. Since I don’t have control over my W/L I have to focus on K/D. You know, I should post on the suggestion forum that they should show average beacons captured per game. I’m probably doing pretty well in that, although I can’t really take credit. You have to be a moron not to capture a bunch of beacons when you always bring a recon interceptor to domination.

Mine keeps improving.