Fire support Flagship bug

| Error report |
| Describe problem and what you saw | So i was flying in the mission fire support and doing it correctly, when after we killed the commander wave (the one before the flagship is supposed to spawn) and it didnt spawn. and we were very sad. |
| What you expected to see | The flagship spawning and starting to attack the base, as normal. |
| Conditions in which error reproduce | I have no idea lol |
| Problem details | I disconnected from the servers because my internet is bad |
| Frequency of reproduction | once |
| Time of bug | 6pm eastern coast |

Maybe there was somewhere one enemy ship still alive, this happened to me many times.

 We know, gonna to fix

when will you fix it , this bug has been here for years and happens at least 10% of the time 


it is now even more frustrating now that we have to pay repair bills when we leave a battle … 

2 hours ago, MasterCATZ said:

when will you fix it , this bug has been here for years and happens at least 10% of the time 


it is now even more frustrating now that we have to pay repair bills when we leave a battle … 

From our experience (we manage to trigger the bug intentionally in both defence contract and fire support) it occurs when you kill all NPCs from a certain wave before the portals in which they were spawned are closed. Just wait until the portals are gone or play the mission on a higher difficulty to avoid killing them instantly.