Finding new activity

i’m quite tired of doing the same thing in game day after day without real change it’s getting realy borring ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) so i just want to know if someone have any idea of something fun to do like:

-ship build

-killing pirates, alien


just tell me what on your mind when you are tired of farming! ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

You know im game all day every day for OS brain-fart runs ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) 

Mining, data mining:

You have 3 tries to guess in which game I found this gem and in which game it belongs.


Finding Nemo?

It come from crossout and it follow the time line of the vulcan and this will be a new module for destroyers!

I am right?

Coil Mortar awarded for playing Crossout.

7 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

It come from crossout and it follow the time line of the vulcan and this will be a new module for destroyers!

I am right?


1 hour ago, Rob40468 said:

Coil Mortar awarded for playing Crossout.

Yep it is from Crossout, but I’m not aware of it’s usage in Star Conflict.

when crossout obt?

33 minutes ago, AKmatiAK said:

when crossout obt?

I don’t think that there is a official date yet, but I would expect it to be in this year.


Join me and play adult-only game called stock trading and compete with players around the world! 100% Pay-to-Play!

100% pay-to-play i love it ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

WARNING, this message will self destruct once you have read it.

Your mission, should you accept it, is to take a silent fox with only white modules and obtain a Maniac medal. Furthermore, if you come back successful and alive, mercenary, (in the form of a Fear Medal), you shall receive double the rewards.

Should you succeed in this perilous and difficult task and bring me proof, I will personally send you a hand-picked owl gif from my extensive collection (two with the extra medal).

Good luck!

2 hours ago, millanbel said:

WARNING, this message will self destruct once you have read it.

Your mission, should you accept it, is to take a silent fox with only white modules and obtain a Maniac medal. Furthermore, if you come back successful and alive, mercenary, (in the form of a Fear Medal), you shall receive double the rewards.

Should you succeed in this perilous and difficult task and bring me proof, I will personally send you a hand-picked owl gif from my extensive collection (two with the extra medal).

Good luck!

sry I failed, the enemy disconnected (and Star Conflict refused to save screenshots)


Hehe nice try though ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)