Find the Issue

This morning in T3. Normal PvP Game.


Game Objective: Take 3 Positions and hold these for some time.


We spawn as a 7 Random Fleet.


I flew an engee, startet the flight towards a beacon.

Was surprised that nobody was faster than me, take one beacon…


Wonder why i am allone…Enemy has taken 2 Beacons…





Check my team…


Beside me, is 6 LRFs. Ask them how they plan to do the game mode objective. No answer…


Try take 2. Beacon, get damaged by own torpedo, as they simply fire in everything that looks like a beacon.


Stop play frustrated, fly to the LRFs, wait till its over sneaking some points while they occasionly kill something by my buffs…




Really, why not make Efficency check if you are interested in the game objectives at all?

e.g. if its take capture points and u not have in a 10 min game spend 10 % time spend in a bubble around the game objectives, you just get 30 % of efficeny and money?


make working on game objectives more important, than simply loading in game, pressing LRF LRF LRF and destroying the fun for the people who want to play the game and deal with the objectives?

We need to teach people how to play LRFs. Not that I’m a pro at flying these things, but at least I capture a couple of beacons. 

I would remove them from the game and change them for something cool and useful. Like big gunships without sniper modules or electronic warfare frigates.

I would remove them from the game and change them for something cool and useful. Like big gunships without sniper modules or electronic warfare frigates.

LRF’s aren’t tanky enough early on in the game.  Later on they can work better as gunboats.  Maybe people aren’t realizing that LRF’s have the highest DPS in the game.  Coil mortars on an LRF do 114 rounds a minute.  It’s like a gunship’s overdrive being constantly on.


I almost feel bad about dropping minefields onto beacons, since I remember how OP they used to be.

LRF’s aren’t tanky enough early on in the game.  Later on they can work better as gunboats.  Maybe people aren’t realizing that LRF’s have the highest DPS in the game.  Coil mortars on an LRF do 114 rounds a minute.  It’s like a gunship’s overdrive being constantly on.


I almost feel bad about dropping minefields onto beacons, since I remember how OP they used to be.


Doesn’t matter, 90% of the players will keep thinking F is the only way to go. Thats why I would remove the sniper modules and let them be gunboats.

Empire LRFs dont need to be changed, they are good enough.

I dont know why so many Jerry-LRFs creep in at the moment… Every good Sniper will take an Emp. LRF because Jerry-LRFs are pretty UP.

At least for someone who knows how to use them.

So, I dont get it… Are PPL lazy? Is it the new Eff. Point distribution? I really dont know. 

I dont know why so many Jerry-LRFs creep in at the moment… Every good Sniper will take an Emp. LRF because Jerry-LRFs are pretty UP.

They are not, not in T3 where so many ships cannot fit EB. It’s ridiculously easy to get mass kills with them even when just using the torp, but any good sniper actually isn’t a sniper but uses those 6 turrets…

But the main reason people take them is the same why snipers are played in any pvp game - risk averseness and/or lack of skill for twitch gameplay. Jericho LRF is even less risk than Empire LRF since you can sit behind a rock so I’d have thought it’s pretty obvious that they get played a lot.

They are not, not in T3 where so many ships cannot fit EB. It’s ridiculously easy to get mass kills with them even when just using the torp, but any good sniper actually isn’t a sniper but uses those 6 turrets…

But the main reason people take them is the same why snipers are played in any pvp game - risk averseness and/or lack of skill for twitch gameplay. Jericho LRF is even less risk than Empire LRF since you can sit behind a rock so I’d have thought it’s pretty obvious that they get played a lot.




Done 2 days ago with desintegrator only. Normally I dont end up with less than 8 Kills.

And it still doesnt explain why they creep in NOW. 


Done 2 days ago with the torp mostly. That map is just a terrible LRF camp fest, wish it was removed…

One of the reasons they creep in now is because you can get damage assists with the torp now, which was mostly impossible before.

Doesn’t matter, 90% of the players will keep thinking F is the only way to go.

Part of the reason for this is that the modules for LRFs very much promote the sit back and snipe play style - em scattering, weapon overcharge, tachyon overcharge. Kinda makes you feel like if you’re not playing that style you’re somehow doing it wrong. Some LRF actives to promote more offensive mobile play would be a good addition imo.

It’s a space dogfight game, we don’t need long Range ships in my oppinion.

Removing them for a new Class like heavy gunship/heavy tackler or heavy ecm would be a nice idea. This would be a big game change and i’m pretty sure, that won’t happen.


Most people aren’t very good with these ships, myself included. That’s why i don’t fly them.


Another Option would be to make some active close quarters modules that encourage actively going in to the fight, not just camping.


There is nothing more annoying than having 6 desi sniper aim at you and hitting jack. Even more annoying, when you’ve got them on your team.

Good Sniper Pilots are the exception.

LRFs not only promote the LRF player to camp but also the enemy to camp and stay behind cover (get out of cover and get sniped)

Jericho ones aren’t even snipers… they are the annoying class. Wanna dogfight? nope! 10 torpedos coming from all directions


Heavy gunship would be a much better idea. Heavy firepower but low mobility

It’s a space dogfight game, we don’t need long Range ships in my oppinion.




There is nothing more annoying than having 6 desi sniper aim at you and hitting jack. Even more annoying, when you’ve got them on your team.

Good Sniper Pilots are the exception.

If dogfighting alone were key, I’d have a much lower DSR.  Instead, I know what to do and when to do it, when I don’t derp.  The game is also a strategy game.


Everyone has to try LRF’s sometime.  I’m just a little disappointed at the ability to level them without the skill to use them.  Think of how much time the “Good Sniper Pilots” spent being bad snipers before becoming good.


LRFs not only promote the LRF player to camp but also the enemy to camp and stay behind cover (get out of cover and get sniped)

Jericho ones aren’t even snipers… they are the annoying class. Wanna dogfight? nope! 10 torpedos coming from all directions


Heavy gunship would be a much better idea. Heavy firepower but low mobility

If your enemy’s camping, you’re winning.  Jericho LRF’s aren’t snipers, they’re artillery.  It doesn’t matter if it’s positrons, coils, or torpedoes.  They’re artillery.