[Fighters] Debounce on cloak mode deactivation

Basically, pressing F more than once nullifies the cloak’s effect right now. this is particularly bad when you spam it when trying to get out of a fight while it’s still recharging.

the idea here involves deactivating it either by firing or by holding it down for a second in a manner similar to the self-destruct button.

so, only press once and wait to active o.o

Some times. When i press F with my interceptor, the cruise speed fail, even i pessing once.

Some times. When i press F with my interceptor, the cruise speed fail, even i pessing once.

Try not to press shift while pressing F or your boost will be stopped.

so, only press once and wait to active o.o

basically i just can’t resist spamming the key when its almost done recharging. really.

well… despite i has no problem with these (never spam the F button , yea) should there’s a way on dev side to put in … er… let’s call button delay…?

Cloak was removed so this topic is outdated.

/closed moved.