fifth day bonus missing at log-in...

I’m a premium account holder and when I logged in tonight, I had  missing 5th day log-in credits…all the other “buy” options were there for credits or gold, but the “free” bonus was not.

I’m a premium account holder and when I logged in tonight, I had  missing 5th day log-in credits…all the other “buy” options were there for credits or gold, but the “free” bonus was not.

It happened to me once as well. Try to wait a bit, like 15 minutes or re-log and check again. It should be there, if you will see a gift icon and free option.

[How to create bug reports](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25328-how-to-create-bug-reports/)

Also, write date of issue and attach log files

— Date: 2015-12-28 (Mon Dec 2015) Mountain Standard Time UTC-07:00


22:06:20.951         | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

22:06:20.951         | //

22:06:20.951         | // Build: StarConflict (Dec 25 2015 15:18:49)

22:06:20.951         | //

22:06:20.951         | //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

22:06:20.951         | 

22:06:21.471         | Steam initialized appId 212070, userSteamID 1|1|51f670f, userName ‘Phantom22’

22:06:24.569         | Try to setup resolution 1920x1080 1920x1080 2

22:06:26.503         | Client language: ENGLISH

22:06:26.551         | Number of audio devices: 3

22:06:26.551         |  Audio device 0: ASUS VN247-0 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio)


22:06:26.570         | Speaker mode: STEREO

22:06:26.570         |  Audio device 1: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)


22:06:26.570         | Speaker mode: STEREO

22:06:26.570         |  Audio device 2: Realtek Digital Output(Optical) (Realtek High Definition Audio)


22:06:26.570         | Speaker mode: STEREO

22:06:26.570         | Number of recording audio devices: 0

22:06:26.571         | Speaker mode: STEREO

22:06:36.071         | Environment setting ‘default’ loaded

22:06:36.084         | Entity Defs hash 8FA082BA. calculated in 1.43 ms

22:06:37.136         | BnRandCaller succeeded

22:06:37.152         | ReplayManager: stopping activity due to map change

22:06:37.209         | ====== starting level: ‘levels/mainmenu/mainmenu’  ======

22:06:37.307         | Environment setting ‘mainmenu’ loaded

22:06:38.651         | MasterServer_RequestServerStatus

22:06:38.651         | MasterServer_RequestServerVersion

22:06:38.651         | MasterServer_RequestNewsFeed

22:06:38.651         | MasterServer_RequestServerAddresess

22:06:38.651         | Requesting web advert …

22:06:38.666         | ====== level started:  ‘levels/mainmenu/mainmenu’ success ======

22:06:38.868  WARNING| frame 112 gameGlobals.frameTimeReal is too large (0.107207)

22:06:39.232         | MasterServer_OnServerVersion: status code 0, version, my version is

22:06:39.266         | MasterServer_OnNewsFeed: status code 0

22:06:39.266         | MasterServer_OnServerAddresess: status code 0

22:06:39.432         | MasterServer_OnServerStatus: status code 0, server status 1

22:06:39.465         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: status code 0

22:06:39.466         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 0/0 from cache…

22:06:39.468         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0

22:06:39.480         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 0/1 from cache…

22:06:39.484         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0

22:06:39.485         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 1/0 from cache…

22:06:39.486         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0

22:06:39.495         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 1/1 from cache…

22:06:39.499         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0

22:06:39.500         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertisement: loading image 2/0 from cache…

22:06:39.502         | MasterServer_OnWebAdvertImage: status code 0

Can you make archive with all logs and attach it here?

always…no log no bug!..even when I give logs and screen shots, it’s never corrected…what’s the use?..anyway, logged in to day one and “no reward” again tonight…why do I give money to this?








and again tonight ! logged in, no credits…took screen shots that I may post, but…nothing will be done as usual…just blah-blah-blah…

okay…above I posted the first two images showing first panel and next panel of bonuses…you can see there aren’t any “free”…

the next three images show the activity in the lower right hand…no bonuses credited…

and again tonight ! logged in, no credits…took screen shots that I may post, but…nothing will be done as usual…just blah-blah-blah…

okay…above I posted the first two images showing first panel and next panel of bonuses…you can see there aren’t any “free”…

the next three images show the activity in the lower right hand…no bonuses credited…

when you relogin after 5min or play some battle, you should find the free package in the bundle tab. Their serverb8s just slow

so…you take the time provide logs and screen shots, no response and no credits…wow!   happened again tonight!

Maybe a lag beetwin login and apply discount. Try to relogin and manualy open bundle shop window at this issues .

Maybe a lag beetwin login and apply discount. Try to relogin and manualy open bundle shop window at this issues .

It’s not a big problem, because it only happens sometimes. I did not have any of such issues for at least 2-3 weeks now.