Federation Interceptor ‘Spike’ 3D model





After the collapse of the Empire, the fragments of its military-industrial complex were scattered over different corners of space. Something was destroyed, according to the emergency protocols, other things fell into the hands of the new factions.


When the Republic of Separate Worlds appeared on the star map, few believed that these rebels could achieve even a grain of greatness of the old Empire, because there were no significant industries on their territory. In many respects, thanks to this, the RSW retained its independence. But laboratories, shipyards and assembly shops have never been the heart of Imperial power. Its beating burning heart was the people — scientists and lab technicians, engineers and designers. The RSW has many bright minds.


Thanks to the financial protection of several investment funds, they managed not only to restore most of the old projects, but also to start several new ones. Their first brainchild was the Spike interceptor.


Star Conflict Team

Hmm this is from game that is 14 years old




this Spike look like copy for me, yes it does look like it got face lift in Star conflict but it is still same model.

1 hour ago, GatoGrande said:

Hmm this is from game that is 14 years old




this Spike look like copy for me, yes it does look like it got face lift in Star conflict but it is still same model.

Those don’t even look familiar, dude

1 hour ago, GatoGrande said:

Hmm this is from game that is 14 years old




this Spike look like copy for me, yes it does look like it got face lift in Star conflict but it is still same model.

what? nothing similar, and i’ve played with this ship

All the ships r15+ look pretty good and i personally i farm to get my beauty Syngularity xD

I think the desing of this ship can be more i don’t know like less curved and more straight like the name Spike or with one sight effect of spikes from the prow to stern (it’s a boat after all) XD


That poor Cyning never stood a chance xD


The Spike looks gorgeous!

The front made me think of a su-34



Blueprint ‘Spike hull plate’ *2

Blueprint ‘Spike processing chip’ *2

Blueprint ‘Spike cabin’ *0

good model, nice ship, vicious duplicate.


and from the same box.

Blueprint ‘Singularity processing chip’ *3

Blueprint ‘Singularity cabin’ *3

Blueprint ‘Singularity hull plate’ *2

More like F-22 Raptor and forward-swept wing of Su-47  ![:576a55a9bca5d_):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/576a55a9bca5d_).png “:576a55a9bca5d_):”)


7 hours ago, Scar6 said:

That poor Cyning never stood a chance xD


The Spike looks gorgeous!


What did you just say?? ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

11 hours ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

what? nothing similar, and i’ve played with this ship


Me too,

Spike has just little-downed nose and wings on the tail are in a different position.

Don’t get me wrong Marauder was the best-looking ship for me.

Spike also looks very good.

But still, both ships have almost the same line.



In comparison with the other new models, this one is boring (it looks good, but the other models look a lot better). Also, you should have called it Platypus!

PS. Project 1011 still owns the Golden Dull Ship medal.



42 minutes ago, inyazserg said:

In comparison with the other new models, this one is boring (it looks good, but the other models look a lot better). Also, you should have called it Platypus!

PS. Project 1011 still owns the Golden Dull Ship medal.



The golden dull ship medal will always go to the flying piece of random space debris: the Grizzly! ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

1 hour ago, Scar6 said:

The golden dull ship medal will always go to the flying piece of random space debris ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

My proposition for the developers: Organize a voting where the users can choose the worst-looking ship, and re-design it.

3 minutes ago, inyazserg said:

My proposition for the developers: Organize a voting where the users can choose the worst-looking ship, and re-design it.

That just might actually work, make a poll lol

1 hour ago, inyazserg said:

My proposition for the developers: Organize a voting where the users can choose the worst-looking ship, and re-design it.

it’s gonna be ellydium I bet

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

That just might actually work, make a poll lol

OK, guys! Let us choose 10 worst looking ships here. After this I will try to organize the poll - or i can ask ORCA about it! Also, is it easy to organize a poll (how?).

Mauler is gonna win

I wants it sooo bad! Can’t get the processing chip to save my life ugghhh

Well, the Ellydium ships are by far the ugliest ships, but theey are not dull.