Fatal crash on start

Since yesterday, every time I start the game, the loading screen freezes (before the Gaijin logo).

My complete system doesn’t respond anymore and I have to push the power button on my computer to restart windows.

Accountname: Hyphon

[StarConflict.zip](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2686)

Could you post your system specs?

AMD PhenomII x6 1075T@3.5 GhZ

ASUS Crosshair V Formula / Thunderbolt

2 x 4GB Corsair Venegance RAM@1200 MhZ

ASUS GTX 580 Matrix (factory settings)

OCZ Petrol SSD (System disk, Star Conflict is also installed here)

1TB Samsung F3 HDD

500 GB Samsung F1 HDD

DVD writer and DVD-Rom from Samsung

Network: Thunderbolt-card (Bigfoot Networks KillerGaming Network embedded e2100)

Sound: Onboard, Realtek with Creative X-Fi extensions

Drivers are all on the last (stable) version.

Actual I reinstalled Star Conflict. Now it runs normal… :confused:

But the crashes were annoying…