Fan Tournaments Discussion

5 hours ago, Devouder said:

I can confirm, that WE choose a server. But we DO care about fairplay.

So if there will be US-RU-EU mixed battle - there will be EU server (unless both teams will want another one).

Thanks for confirming! That’s great.

whats with havoc?

Any update on the winners? Or do I need to go to Russian forum like I was supposed to do to see that the rules were changed for reverse thruster?  *wink wink*…

I would also be interested in recordings of the matches if there are any!

Current state:

Russian topic with recordings:“old-school-t4/&do=findComment&comment=1186317

Thanks. I thought the finals were going to be played last Sunday

Finals will be 18 mar 2017, Saturday.

Rewards will be shortly after finals.

I have to say this was way the best organised tournament where i ever participated. I was really amazed.

1 hour ago, Gizmomac said:

I have to say this was way the best organised tournament where i ever participated. I was really amazed.

Yes, I especially appreciated the fair server choice, and the work Devouder put in to translate what was being said and to get the games started. Thanks very much!

Wait times were really short as well, unlike some tournaments in the past where we have waited for hours doing nothing.

Good luck to those participating in the finals!

Quite unpredictable tournament ending.

Third place - team “Yablo4niy Persik” led by Triche.


Final battle went FUBAR.

Team “НБ” won two matches against team “Crimson Sunrise” with one draw.

THEN - team “НБ” REFUSED to continue fighting caliming that they won the tournament and left the battle room.

Our fail - there is nothing stated in tournament regulations about number of wins required in final match.

But - during the tournament we stated not once that final match will require three victories.

Taking into account “15. Administration decisions in any disputable/questionable situation are final.” administration decided that there will be NO first place, NO second place, and despite “НБ” team performance both teams will get no bonuses for final battles.

Personal opinion: I’m quite unhappy with escalating conflict in tournament, leading to unpredictable results.

So there is no where in reglament that specifies that finals are until 3 wins or best out of 5? In that case HB are tottaly right

1 hour ago, xKostyan said:

In that case HB are tottaly right

That was my FIRST impression.

Even if we made a mistake not stating finals win condition in regulations:

  1. Team failed to enter lobby in 10 minutes after being called, or non-present team gets technical defeat.
  2. All other rules are stated in the general rules of cyber activities. In any questionable situation tournament rules have top priority.
  3. Administration decisions in any disputable/questionable situation are final.

Match for third place were held until 3 wins with no complains from both sides, at the same time - it was not our “last-minute idea”.

And “НБ” was silent until the last moment, and then, ready for battle, suddenly left the room.

There was a “deal with it!” approach - “We understand rules this way, so it must be”.

When team leading 2-0 suddenly decides to leave tournament - looks strange for me.

There were two reasonable solutions at least - even at this last point - “HB” continue playing (and winning IMO), or both teams captains agree that “HB” is a winner. “HB” could even ask for match time change - because I do care about fairplay and some strong players were missing from a team.

Stating this in “last moment” was almost looking like blackmailing us -
“Give us victory, or we leave!”
Was I against their victory? No.
Were they winning? Definite yes.

What was my reaction for my mistakes discovered in tournament progress?
Find reasonable and honest solution.

But if “НБ” are locked in their opinions - and just want things their way - we have rights to enforce our opinion. Perfectly clear.

hm, in those hot situations, making those decisions might be hard, so yeah, should be fixed before, since otherwise, I can also understand the feeling, that “play yet another” bursts nerves. Still, not condoning it, since you guys made a lot of effort to be actually very accessible as organisers.

Which is important, as actually being in a team, there is a weardown, internal struggle, that might even hit teams that are funky cool hipsters. There is always a breaking point, where everybody just wants to go. I would not take it personally, if irrational behaviour comes out from this ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)

unfortunate turn of events, but also understandably human from both imagined perspectives. hope you guys can still smoke a peace pipe.

so technically, 2-0 + 1 draw means, if it were 3/5, and the team didnt come, the end result would still be 2-2, which doesnt really underline the “we have won” attitude, while 2/3 would have meant, the third match was already a friendly match. Or was there just two?

Anyway, next time, it will be even better ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) And it was still very fun.

For future events like that, may i suggest that you keep the rules up to date. I feel a bit anally stimulated if we as only EU based team, don’t get the tourney rules updated in time.

It has become a tireing theme to rely on google fantasylate to get the real Tourney rules. (im not blaming you per se, im blaming the fact that this happened in every tournament until now, doesn’t matter who is mod and what year it was)

4 hours ago, Oregyen said:

For future events like that, may i suggest that you keep the rules up to date. I feel a bit anally stimulated if we as only EU based team, don’t get the tourney rules updated in time.

It has become a tireing theme to rely on google fantasylate to get the real Tourney rules. (im not blaming you per se, im blaming the fact that this happened in every tournament until now, doesn’t matter who is mod and what year it was)


Not to mention that if the tournament is open internationally then English should be its official language. The official language of the IeSF, although based in South Korea, is English and it would be wise for Star Conflict to follow their example if it wishes to be taken seriously.

If there were any doubts - rewards for “Old School T4” tournament have been delivered to players.


Got them, thanks!

13 minutes ago, MightyHoot said:

wut did you get?

fck off ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) 

You got rewards for not even bothering to show up because “oh I thought it was next weekend” ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)