Fan movie by RaptorStealth

Hello new recruits and brave pilots,

many pilots have raised and improved their skills a lot.

They claim for honor, glory and space cash. Some are loyal fighters for their faction and others fight as lonely mercenaries

where ever they get a good job.

One of these skilled pilots is named RaptorStealth and we want to present you a little video created by him.

Take a seat and enjoy:

If you think you are also a good pilot and have some talent in creating videos,

you should take a look at this: Video Contest

Thank you for your attention and See you in Space!

Looks great! And special thanks for a soundtrack!


Congratulations to RaptorStealth.

I liked the soudtrack too.

Parabéns RaptorStealth

Thank you guys, I’m happy to participate … Soon, I will have more videos :010j:

Good channel dude, and nice music !

Hi guys. This is my latest vídeo.

Enjoy it and thanks for watching  :010j:


Imperial Frigate Supremacy