Fake attacks

Have a look at this thread:




It seems our fellow russians are also complaining about fake attacks in Sector Conquest, and that the developers are actually interested in solving this problem:




And punishing those that abuse the system:







Hopefully this will lead to a full rework of the Sector Conquest queueing system, as has been asked for in the past, since in it’s current state it is just ridiculous. A proper official alliance system would solve the problem of fake attacks for alliances.


I post this in Star Off Topic since I can’t find any other appropriate place. And I hope that google translate has not mislead me. What I have interpreted may be false (another reason to put it in off-topic)


Oh, and I found this really amusing image on that thread   :00555: : I wish I could read the rest of it.


Please could you explain the issue for us Englishmen that are too lazy to translate? :3

(Not me, ofc. But people will wanna know.)

I’m interested. Perhaps this is about time they begun introducing diplomacy into SC so fake attacks are impossible…

From the looks of things, a bunch of players, and several corporation CEOs, got punished or in some cases outright banned. 


At least it’s not just something we hate seeing them do - they hate it just as much.

'Bout f*cking time something was done about this. Would’ve been nice for something to have been done when this was more common, but at least it’s happening.

Jumping from corp to corp just for attack should also looked at

This issue is ancient.

IT MUST be resolved!

This issue is ancient.

IT MUST be resolved!

It WILL be resolved, just be patient.

It WILL be resolved, just be patient.

lies! Work as intended!

lies! Work as intended!

Yes right, my mistake.

NO fix!

Yes right, my mistake.

NO fix!

Git gud, nub. Evrythn wrkng gud.