Fairly basic idea for a ship


“How to learn Chemistry while playing computer games”, RennieAsh, 2015

*rams acid hydra with it*


Remember guys, if your aim feels slippery at any point, rinse right away!


One question: Is this ship any good? Because against the weak Acid Hydra, I’d say this is a pretty strong Base, but I’m not sure.

Actually a Bronsted-Lowry base by definition is a good electron keeper. So I would suggest changing Syn Lv 6’s perk to “Hull resistance to electron loss increased by 30 points”.

*rams acid hydra with it*


You will make water and salt, if my memory of secondary school chemistry lessons is correct…

You will make water and salt, if my memory of secondary school chemistry lessons is correct…

HCl + NaOH -> H2O + NaCl

Your memory serves you well!


Although I think Fox is referring to the vinegar-and-baking-soda volcanoes that we all made for Science Fairs in elementary school  :00555:  :00555:

What if it hit a biomorph?

Would you get thick goop that looks kinda like chocolate pudding?

Actually a Bronsted-Lowry base by definition is a good electron keeper. So I would suggest changing Syn Lv 6’s perk to “Hull resistance to electron loss increased by 30 points”.

A Bronsted-Lowry base by definition is a good proton acceptor, actually. Which implies that it likes to give its electrons away to wandering protons, rather than selfishly keep them to itself.

Iono Statue, that seems more of like a sharing thing if you ask me. Those bases never really give away electrons to wandering H+'s, they just kinda are like “hey dood let’s share” until the H+ leaves. Then they keep the electrons for themselves.

Iono Statue, that seems more of like a sharing thing if you ask me. Those bases never really give away electrons to wandering H+'s, they just kinda are like “hey dood let’s share” until the H+ leaves. Then they keep the electrons for themselves.

You can’t just simplify everything like that! The issue is more… complex.


(besides the horrendous continuation of chemistry puns, it actually does kind of get more complicated than just sharing, giving, or keeping electrons >.>;:wink: