Failed to find battle, Try again

Basically the error started today and according to what I have read has happened to several people on steam and in the forum I found a topic talking about this but it does not say the solution, when I try to enter a battle (PvP, PvE and IA) it launches me the following message "failed to find battle, try again", I would like to know if there is a solution and if you can help me.




My experience also. Cannot access much of the game when my preferred server is set to USA or Any Server. I can access Open Space, Sector Conquest and Skirmishes with server set to EU. I cannot access Special Ops or Missions regardless of server setting.

no creo que sea error del servidor, ya que estoy en universal, y el pro

I don't think it's a server error, since I'm universal, and the problem only started today






blema solo empezo hoy

me pasa exactamente lo mismo. no me deja ir a un espacio libre y ensima me consume iridio

| Reporte de error |
| Describe el problema y lo que viste | no conecta a las partidas, no deja hacer misiones ni ir a un espacio abierto. y consume iridio |
| Lo que esperabas ver | el juego |
| Condiciones en las que se reproduce el error | al conetar a las misiones, espacio abierto. |
| Detalles del problema | no permite jugar |
| Frecuencia de reproducción | siempre |
| Tiempo de error | toda la tarde |




[game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=19865) [](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=19866) [game.log](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=19867)

estamos igual, me conecto als ervidor de EEUU y no me deja ni ir a las misiones o modos de juego. tampoco realizar las tareas ni ir a espacio abierto, ensima me consume el iridio

How long ago did you begin to appreciate this error?

it may even be a worldwide mistake in the game


Been happening a lot lately so it will likely be fixed soon.

3 hours ago, PELA_MDZ said:

Detalles del problema

Time of log isn’t corresponds to time of screenshots

this really happened all day,I have not entered yet, I'll see if it has already been solved