Fade to Black

Ever since the 0.8.0 patch, I’ve been having this bug. It happens seemingly randomly, and I don’t know how to recreate it. Sometimes it doesn’t happen during a whole match, sometimes it happens repeatedly.


But what does occur is the whole viewport instantly goes black, and slowly fades back to full vision. While the screen is black the whole UI is visible, but your ship and anything around it is not.


I’m running a mid-2011 15’’ MacbookPro, and haven’t had any trouble running this game visually before.

I’ve been getting this a fair amount too. Sometimes a lot in a match and other times not at all.

I could be wrong but I think it’s a new missle. As you may or may not have seen, some of the new missiles can slow you down or stop you from using modules. Although I haven’t seen it, I wouldn’t be suprised if its a missle that ‘reduces vision’ or something but I’m not 100% sure.

If anyone could confirm this I think the OP and I would appreciate it.

It seems more like a bug to me. I considered it could have been some sort of new module or something, until it happened twice as soon as a match started. Even happened while I was on the respawn menu once too. So I don’t think it’s some kind of weapon.

I’m getting it too, but I think it might have to do with a solar cycle.  I hate it so far, can’t fly during it.  I too have had it happen during the spawn screen.

Good day, TheVoyd



We are willing to help you in resolving the problem, but for this we require a full log file. On Mac It can usually be found around there:


/Users/***/Library/Application Support/StarConflict/


Can you please try to reproduce the problem and then attach the log with it in your next message, so that we could try and find out what is wrong? If attachment is not an option, then please copy the full text of log in here.


Thank you!

So, I tried uploading it as an attachment  but apparently I’m not allowed to upload that kind of file. Then I posted the entirety of the log, which was rather long, and it kept giving me 502 errors. So here it is, uploaded to dropbox.


It’s a gameplay log from yesterday where the problem occurred multiple times.



Great, thank you for your input!

I will see the bug processed.

I think it’s missile shield bug, when it takes action, screen go black. It happened to me everytime I launched a missile against punisher.

i think it’s a missile, every time this happens its right after a missile hits me

I’ve gotten it just randomly flying about.  It seems to happen when the lighting or shadows are just right.  Instead of darkening your ship a little, it drops the gamma so much you can’t see.  Then as you fly it fades back in.


Addendum:  I just noticed Antbus bears the mark of Tzeneetch.  We are all doomed!

I think it’s missile shield bug, when it takes action, screen go black. It happened to me everytime I launched a missile against punisher.

it is indeed the Guard’s anti-missile ability as i notice it evertime im using my guard vessel that as soon as my screen flashbangs black…my missile-shield ability had activated… apparently people have told me its supposed to be a green beam or something that shoots the missile… as im running the mac client through steam… i havent been able to locate any log files to share and i dont have the ability to record footage of this happening as proof.  but the specific details ought to be enough for the devs to look into this a bit more precisely.  its annoying cause it really blinds you so you cant see anything for a brief moment and if there are multiple guard ships on the field… well it is a rather constant probablem to be able to even navigate

Looking into it

Looking into it


Thank you. It is really annoying when it happens. To me, it looks like a exaggerated HDR shader effect (you know, when your camera faces something really bright and then quickly darkens down for a few seconds, as if your human eyes had to adapt to a blinding light). In game, it has the effect similar to a flash bang where you aren’t able to see anything for a short duration.


And yes, i too can confirm that it has to do with missiles exploding.


EDIT: It also happens on the windows version.

Thank you. It is really annoying when it happens. To me, it looks like a exaggerated HDR shader effect (you know, when your camera faces something really bright and then quickly darkens down for a few seconds, as if your human eyes had to adapt to a blinding light). In game, it has the effect similar to a flash bang where you aren’t able to see anything for a short duration.


And yes, i too can confirm that it has to do with missiles exploding.


EDIT: It also happens on the windows version.

Confirmed on windows version. I’ve had it happen on interceptor when passing close to guard frigates as their AMS fired at a missile. Makes flying at 650m/s a bit… challenging.

Did it happen to you after patch? 

For those who met the bug on Win OS - can you please attach game.log file? (You can find how to do it in a pinned topic)


We are sorry for the delay with this bug - our hands are atm tied with hot fixes and balance. We will try to fix it asap, but at the moment i cannot set any approximate dates. But it will be fixed.

Did it happen to you after patch? 

For those who met the bug on Win OS - can you please attach game.log file? (You can find how to do it in a pinned topic)


We are sorry for the delay with this bug - our hands are atm tied with hot fixes and balance. We will try to fix it asap, but at the moment i cannot set any approximate dates. But it will be fixed.

It’s rare, to the point where I recall seeing it because it was mentioned here. I don’t have logs simply because last I encountered it was likely ten games ago at the very least, probably more. It is definitely present in the game however.


It is fairly annoying issue, but not game breaking by any stretch of imagination. It just darkens the screen a lot for a short period of time and then brightness recovers gradually over the course of a few seconds. And it is indeed very rare.

We’ve found the source of the problem, hopefully it will be in this week’s patch. Though it is done for mac client, should you have the problem on PC do not hesitate to attach the game.log.

We’ve found the source of the problem, hopefully it will be in this week’s patch. Though it is done for mac client, should you have the problem on PC do not hesitate to attach the game.log.


this is good to hear… now all i need is to wait for the camera fix and i can play again