Faction ship differences

i am hoping that when jericho is finally added that there will be somewhere that we can go to for info on the differences between the different faction/subfaction ship class specail modules. as it is as of the 5.0 patch there was a change to the harpy sniper mode that i was un aware of that is , well, overpowered it seems. so much more potent than just the boosted laser in sniper mode and now they can use railguns for med and close range and just go to sniper mode for an op ranged weapon. like i said- a list of what is available for the different abilities would be much appreciated by me and probably by a lot of others since they will be what people base their faction choice on and will need to know before they choose .

I think there will be a list of this when all factions are released.

IMO the problem with the new imperial frigate special module is the capacity to deal instant damage, removing the need to lead shots/keep a steady aim, paired with being able to get a continous DPS(at least on tier 1 base - i don’t know the energy usage for others yet.

this is exactly why lighter ships were harder to shoot down on the previous sniper mode.

however, its still needed to compensate for ping, and as such if you manage to get closer than 1km of that frigate with a lighter ship, you’ll win most of the time. if you get shot at before getting to at least 2km - you’ll usually lose.

after patch i could read that each faction has their own passive skills… but no description about that, you dont know what passive skills you have on each ship…

In beta we learn through trial & errors, as it seems giving enough information to us, testers, is not an option.

Speaking of faction differences, is there currently a way to switch factions, or is my account locked to a faction forever once I pick one?

just buy the ships from another factions

just buy the ships from another factions

Buying ships from another faction will give me that faction’s passive global skills will it?

it will give you reputation with that faction

it will give you reputation with that faction

Are we speaking the same language here? I get the feeling you aren’t understanding the question I’m asking.

Buying ships from another faction will give me that faction’s passive global skills will it?

At the moment not, but later it should be able to get the other passive skills.