Faction protection (a variant of Station protection)

The idea is simple; instead of shielding us from other players and damage, faction protection makes all ships of our faction de facto allies as well as other pilots with the same allignment. That means they are immune to damage from us and we can exchange buffs/repairs (including npcs). Players with station protection off are considered free game to shoot at and they can shoot us. That would go hand in hand with my covert ops mission idea as the faction protection would allow us to fight those invading enemies while not risking being branded outlaws for shooting other players. As a bonus, shooting players from other faction allignment (would automatically appear hostile to us) would give us rewards.


Edit: It would make sense though that while active, faction protection don’t allow us to go into other faction systems (ie we can only go into allied or neutral systems).


I’m sure that would make invasion a lot more fun to play. 


Here the link for my covert ops idea :

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/25287-covert-ops-missions/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/25287-covert-ops-missions/)

Pretty sweet concept.  Maybe add 5-10 new contracts with nice rewards for killing enemy factions as a reward.  Contracts could be for killing enemies in home sectors/enemy sectors ect.  +1


Right now open space is just a place to change stations, search for blueprints, and get mobbed by aimbot AIs and aliens.  This would get more people out in open space and more pvp (which I’d love to see)

Pretty sweet concept.  Maybe add 5-10 new contracts with nice rewards for killing enemy factions as a reward.  Contracts could be for killing enemies in home sectors/enemy sectors ect.  +1


Right now open space is just a place to change stations, search for blueprints, and get mobbed by aimbot AIs and aliens.  This would get more people out in open space and more pvp (which I’d love to see)


And the nice thing about my idea is it shouldn’t be too hard to implement. It doesn’t need to design new assets, most of what it need are already in game…

Very good idea! There have previously been several suggestions of more faction-orientated warfare in Invasion, but you suggest a precise mechanism which would, I think, be fairly easy to put in place.

Epecially the sharing buffs! I’d love to see those Fed engies that fly around in groups of 3 able to heal me. If red NPCs can debuff, then why shouldn’t blue NPCs buff?


If implemented, that would mean that anyone changing stations via invasion would have to have protection off, and any low level pilots in the new home system would not have any protection against the high level ships making the crossing - I see the potential for a lot of problems here with newer players being killed by veterans , and being put off the mode entirely.

If implemented, that would mean that anyone changing stations via invasion would have to have protection off, and any low level pilots in the new home system would not have any protection against the high level ships making the crossing - I see the potential for a lot of problems here with newer players being killed by veterans , and being put off the mode entirely.


I didn’t mean it to replace station protection, just be another variant of it. Normal station protection would still be there.