[F]Took captain down to 5%, didn't get assist.

I nuked the enemy captain down to 5% before dying.

Then like 5 seconds later someone finishes the job, and I didn’t get the assist for it?

Way to reward effort.


Such things happend to me aswell. (mostly by my Mechete rocket boat.)

Could be that there is some time window (of damaging it) in what the kill has to be made for you to be rewarded with assist.

Or maybe some other wierd req’s.

They should just award points for damage done to the captain.

Like every 100 points of damage = 1 effectiveness point.


Actually this should be done for any main weapon damage.

What was the time between you doing the damage and then someone getting a kill?  Did he get repaired or regened back to 100%?

What was the time between you doing the damage and then someone getting a kill?  Did he get repaired or regened back to 100%?


between 5-10 seconds. and no. good luck repairing someone to full in that short time (he was in a frigate)


I do think it’s based on time between last damage dealt and target death, but that time obviously is way too tight. If I dropped him to 5% hp, even if it takes 10 seconds for someone to get to him to get in that last shot, I still did all the work and should get credit for it (especially when it’s the objective )

I don’t mean this is what happened here, but if your target regens his hull to 100%, you don’t get the assist.

I’ve noticed that when i manage to avoid getting damage for some time (i don’t really know, maybe 5-10 seconds, i guess?) the damage tracker resets. And instead of seeing all the people and lots of damage taken, i see just one person doing like 2000 damage or how much i did happen to have left.


Talking about the tracker you see when you die.


Seeing how easy/fast that resets, i would guess it’s the same about getting assists. As both kinda go hand in hand.