[F] Shut engines + hitting a wall = acceleration back in the wall

Yep, fly an inty full afterburners (and some hull hp not to die) into a wall. Just before hitting it turn your engines completely off or even try to afterburn backwards without turning. You hit the wall, bounce back and the ship accelerates again by its self again in the wall. Even if when i bounce my ship moves backwards and i afterburn backwards the ship still has some sort of invisible momentum propulsing it forward (the speed display shows current ship movement speed on the forward / backward axis, not where engine throttle is set at).


So this is an inertia issue that needs fixing.


EDIT: to explain it better it’s like moving in the water (let’s say a boat) and when you stop the current you created behind you still pushes you forward.


please follow the report [guide](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/15569-how-to-report-control-related-bugs/).

  1. Running into a wall and then doing nothing (not pressing anything) the ship bounces back normally then it tends to move forward again.

It is an unnatural behaviour and tends to be pretty annoying, especially when actively dodging near a large collidable structure and ocasionally hitting it head-on or a close angle to that.

Pretty often, especially when i fly Swift Mk3 and Kite (1 collision compensator at least and 30% rotation in all axis implant).

Afterburn towards the object (it must be something that cannot be moved, like a huge structure / asteroid), hit it and just as you hit it either release all controls or strafe in any direction, with or without afterburner - the ship should get an impulse to move forward (apparently to where the cursor points).

It seems to be a gameplay movement / inertia mechanic issue (not necesarily a bug - why the topic was listed under a different section first - and probably a wanted mechanic by the devs, but it doesn’t seem normal) which dictates that the engine is ‘still running’. When i hit the wall and press backwards the ship seems to respond well (in most cases at least). However if when i hit the wall i stop touching anything that has to do with movement commands or try to strafe the ship tends to repick it’s course back instead of standing still or drifting away from the wall it hit - this is the main point: what happens as of now and what should happen. If not actively trying to avoid this it will just keep doing it like a ball falling on the ground until it stops. In all this, strafing and afterburning seems to be the biggest factor.

[DxDiag.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6275)

I’ll add video when i return to town, need to clean some space first.

Added a part of the only file that seemed relevant, but not sure. [game.txt](< base_url >/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=6274) This is just after game started.

I have noticed this mostly in PVE when I try to hug the deck of a ship

if I bounce off the deck I start accelerating forward even though I did not have any forward thrust, which usually means into the danger I was trying to avoid

This is rather a glitch related to the game engine. Its collision detection is sometimes a bit messy. Station Grind is the best way to have a look on it. Take an Dagger Interceptor and slide ontop of a flat object. It will bounce of after the first few meters. Same happens on other objects.


We once had the problem that Interceptors where able to glitch into all kind of objects while flying faster than 700m/s.


Looks like the enigne needs some tunings in this case.

Indeed, just like Gentaei said, it’s definitely a collision bug and not an engine/ship maneuvering bug. I have had similar experiences with different ship types.

The worst kind of collision bug is where the user gets sucked into the object he touched, then the ship spins violently in all directions until it is thrown out of the object. That is, however, a rare occurrence. Only happened to me twice in hundreds of games. I guess these will be fixed when the engine gets tuned properly.

I think the best solution would be to program the ship AI to accelerate slightly in the opposite direction of the object it hit, no matter how the colliding ship is oriented.

But, hey, look at it this way: if you are a great pilot you won’t hit any object anyway :). This bug should be motivation enough to learn how to fly well.



Indeed, just like Gentaei said, it’s definitely a collision bug and not an engine/ship maneuvering bug. I have had similar experiences with different ship types.

The worst kind of collision bug is where the user gets sucked into the object he touched, then the ship spins violently in all directions until it is thrown out of the object. That is, however, a rare occurrence. Only happened to me twice in hundreds of games. I guess these will be fixed when the engine gets tuned properly.

I think the best solution would be to program the ship AI to accelerate slightly in the opposite direction of the object it hit, no matter how the colliding ship is oriented.

But, hey, look at it this way: if you are a great pilot you won’t hit any object anyway :). This bug should be motivation enough to learn how to fly well.




Never heard of a ship being sucked up in an object before, tho ive spinned more times than you can count on your fingers after a ship explosion near my inty / fighter.


And yea, it’s a good enough motivation to fly better. And i do fly damn well enough. Still, it becomes frustrating when you’re being chased by 5+ ships (which happens to me a lot) and have to do top notch wall and asteroid magnetic riding and all of a sudden you obviously will touch it by mistake and your ship starts performing like drunk :frowning:


Anyway, Gentaei, any idea if the devs are looking at the game’s engine?

Right now, they are working on some huge tunings of all kinds of stuff. I guess the gameengine will get some tunings too, but i cannot give any valid information about this right now. As far as i know and tested, the engine has problems with shipspeeds >600m/s.


But what i need to make devs fix it right now is a screenshot of the bugged zone. Sometimes collision boxes are placed a bit off the object. I also need the ship that was able to bugg into the object.


Sometimes only 1 ship can slip through and glitch into an object.